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~July 14, 2016~

Three days. It's been three days since I was sent home from the hospital and I've spent all of those three days lying in Gemmas bed, watching Friends on Netflix. I was only allowed to get up if I needed to use the bathroom or when I wanted to take a shower and if I did, Gemma was right there helping me. She has been such a huge help and a huge support. I was so thankful for everything she has done and for everything Harry has done, even when he's being distant at the moment.

I didn't see him much after he walked out during my recount of the morning with Kaleb. He stayed during my second MRI and he drove Gemma and I home once I was given the ok and after I signed the typed copy of my statement the police officer needed me to sign. Other than that, he would stand in Gemmas doorway and ask me how I was doing, not once taking a step inside. I know he was nervous about making me uncomfortable and that he thinks because of what happened to me I was scared of him. I wasn't though. I was still nervous, but I knew he would never hurt me physically, his actions proved as much. I was nervous and scared of other people, of other men. I couldn't go through what Kaleb put me through again, and I will never allow it to happen to me again, and if it means swearing off guys, then so be it.

Nights were a little different. I spent a lot of time tossing and turning and just laying there, wide awake.  Every time I closed my eyes I saw Kalebs face, angry and red and mean. I would see his fist flying through the wall and his foot connecting with my ribs.  I would replay the events of that morning over and over, making it difficult to sleep.  I was exhausted and Gemma knew, but there wasn't much she could do.

Someone should be getting ahold of me soon to let me know what will be happening with Kaleb. They called me the day after I got out of the hospital and told me that he had been arrested and wasn't too happy about it. They said he denied everything and said the hole in the wall, that the police saw when they were there, was my fault. I laughed at that one. I didn't have the strength in me to put a dent in a wall, let alone a hole. I was told Kaleb will have to appear in front of a judge for an arraignment, where he will plead guilty or not guilty and the judge will then set the bail amount. There will then be a pre trial where the facts of the case will be discussed and any legal issues. Kaleb can either enter a plea or the case will be set for trial, either in front a jury or just in front of a judge. I would have to be present for every court hearing, but other than that I would have no contact with Kaleb what so ever. A protection order was placed, restricting Kalebs contact with me.

Kaleb would be in jail until the arraignment and longer if bail wasn't met. Which I'm sure he would pay. That made me nervous, but since I got the protection order, I felt a little better, but Kaleb wasn't one to just call or text, he was a very dramatic person. Calling or sending a threatening text was the last thing he would do to get revenge.

I signed a bunch of release forms, letting the court get ahold of my medical records and the police report, for when they are needed at the pre trial. The judge will then decide if a real trial needs to be set to go over the evidence in more depth. I was assured that with the evidence against Kaleb, going to trial might not even be in the cards. The judge could consider this a felony charge and place him in prison for up to a year or more. If this is considered just a misdemeanor, he could get thirty days or longer, plus probation and counseling classes. Both sentences don't seem to be enough to me and I don't think I would be happy with either one. I'm just hoping this is all over with as soon as possible so I can put it all behind me and move on.

So far over the last three days, my neck has gotten better, I can now move my head side to side and up and down with out wincing in pain. My side still hurts though, but every day it's less painful when I take a breath, so that's nice. I no longer have a headache or feel nauseous. The first night out of the hospital was horrible, I spent the whole night laying by the toilet, emptying my already empty stomach. The second day it was just feeling nauseous all day. Today though, today I'm feeling much better and I refuse to stay in bed all day.

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