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~July 21, 2016~

Maci's POV

You know how you find yourself having a dream that you don't want to wake up from and when you start waking up you try to fall back asleep in hopes that the dream will pick back up? That's my predicament at the moment. I was finally having a good dream, one that may or may not involve Harry, and I want to keep the dream going but no matter how hard I try, I cant fall back sleep. And all hope is lost when Gemma barges into my room.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Gemma sings as she throws open my bedroom door. She flops down on my bed beside me.

"Go away!" I groan, pulling the blanket over my head, cocooning myself in the fluffy comforter.

"It's absolutely gorgeous out and a perfect day to lounge by the pool and work on our tans! So get your little butt out of bed and get ready!" She pulls on my blanket, pulling it off my head. She doesn't stop there though. Shoe continues to pull the entire blanket off my bed, leaving me shivering from the blast of cold air.

"Hey! That's cruel!" I throw my pillow at her, smiling proudly when it connects with her head.

"Just doing what any friend would, lovely. Now get up. You got in late last night so we didn't get to talk and I want details on you and my brothers date!" She grins at me, tossing my pillow back at me.

She doesn't even give me time to protest before she's walking out my door, shutting it behind her. With a huff I sit up in bed, letting my feet dangle from the side, stretching my arms up above me. My body aches a little from all the walking we did yesterday and from tensing my muscles so much on some rides. I'm definitely not used to using my muscle like that. It was fun though, the rides, the food, the fireworks. Spending the whole day with Harry like that was incredible and just what I needed to lift my spirits.

Harry and I didn't get back until almost midnight and Gemma was in bed by then. She had gotten home that evening and when she found out Harry and I were together she sent me text after text, telling me she wants details about everything, of course I didn't get those messages until I had gotten home and since she was in bed we couldn't talk. Which leads us to her untimely wake up call and the urge to get me up. She's a nosy one, Gemma is and I know she will grill me about yesterday and quite possible Tuesday night when Harry and I had our first 'date'.

I take a quick shower, taking time to shave my legs and everything else that needs to be shaved. After drying off I throw on my simple black bikini and grab a towel before heading downstairs. I don't bother doing my hair or make up since we may go in the pool. Gemma is leaning against the counter when I get downstairs, going through her phone.

"Ready!" I yell, jumping her. I couldn't help but laugh when she reaches up to press a hand over her heart.

"You scared me!"

"Yeah, well you woke me up." I stick my tongue out at her.

"Well, I haven't seen you for like ever and we haven't had a day to just hang out for awhile," she points out and I frown, feeling like a terrible friend.

"I know, I'm just being a grouch. Glad we can hang out today," I smile, picking up my sunglasses off the counter.

"Me too! Let's go! We are wasting precious sun!" Gemma grabs my hand, dragging me behind her. We make our way down the path along the guesthouse, leading us to where the in ground pool is, along with the pool house/gym. This house was huge and had everything you could ever need. I will definitely miss all this whenever I find my own apartment.

We walk through the small gate to the pool and make our way over to the lounge chairs that they had set up along one side of the pool. We walk by the pool house/gym and movement through the window catches my eye and I stop real quick, Gemma going on, not noticing that I have stopped. I peak in through the window and I gasp. Harry is in there in nothing but black athletic shorts, lifting something I'm sure would snap my arm in half if I tried. His face was red as he exerted himself, his muscles flexing as he raised his arms. His back was to me but I could see his reflection in the mirror he stood in front of, his skin glistening with sweat. Watching him lift that bar like its nothing, seeing his lips purse with every exhale and the way his muscle tighten had my insides clench as a shock ran though me, straight to my core.

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