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~July 17, 2015~

Usually when someone is nervous and a little excited about something, like I am now, the day leading up to the cause of said excitement is painfully slow and drags on and on. This is not the case for today. Today seems to be flying by, not giving me a chance to breath or try and calm myself down before spending the evening with Harry. Ever since I started working this morning, the hours just flew by, breakfast coming and going in what felt like seconds, lunch time popping up out of now where, Caroline's shower seeming to take half the time it usually does. Now it was almost four thirty and Anne and Robin will be home any minute. I don't know why today went by so fast, as far as Caroline went, things were the same as they were yesterday, we read a little and she slept for most of the day, only getting up to eat and shower, so it wasn't like it was an eventful day.

Gemma left this morning for London. Her goodbye was short since she was running late but she found time to tell me to have fun tonight but "not to much fun", winking at me before walking out the door, laughing at my shocked expression. She clearly knew about Harry and I hanging out tonight. They really do talk about everything don't they? I wouldn't really know what was normal and what wasn't between siblings, since I never had a close relationship with my sister. I don't know why I was worrying so much about tonight, we were eating pizza and watching a movie, it's not like this is a date. Unless he thinks it's a date. Does he think that tonight is a date? Do I care if it's a date or not? I suppose I don't care but isn't it to soon? I mean it's only been just over a week since everything happened with Kaleb, I shouldn't be jumping back into anything so soon, especially after how things were with Kaleb. But it's one date, if it is that, it's not like I'm jumping into bed with Harry.

The front door shutting causes me to jump from seat in Caroline's room. She was sound asleep in her bed, like she has been for the past few hours. I close the book I was reading, The Great Gatsby, before heading down stairs. Anne and Robin both stood in the entry way, hanging up their keys and their coats, both looking tired.

"Hey guys!" I greet them once I get to the bottom of the stairs. They both look at me and smile.

"Hey, Maci. How was my mum today?" Anne asks after giving me a quick hug. Robin gives me a small wave before walking off into the kitchen.

"The same as yesterday. She's was up for a bit this morning and has been sleeping most of the day except for meals and her shower. She didn't take her oxygen off as much as yesterday though so that was good."

"Glad to hear that. Hopefully she will get up for dinner," Anne says, looking worried.

"I'm sure she will, her appetite has been good today. If you need help just let me know," I smile at her and she nods.

"Harry will be here tonight and he's usually pretty good with her," Anne says. Guess she doesn't know that Harry and I have plans tonight. It's not like we were far anyways, we would just be in the guest house.

"Actually mum," we both look up the stairs as Harry makes his way down, "Maci and I have a date tonight." Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder and my whole body stiffens. I guess this is a date. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there, watching Anne look back and forth between Harry and I, a smirk playing on her lips. I smile shyly at her.

"A date? I didn't know you two were dating," Anne asked curiously, a small smile still on her face as she watched her son pull me closer to his side.

"Not exactly dating. Yet," Harry says cheekily, looking down and winking at me, causing me to blush and look down at my shoes. Anne chuckles across from us.

"I see. Well you two have fun." Anne pats Harry's chest before walking off towards the kitchen. Harry moves his arm from my shoulder, letting it run down my back, his fingers leaving a trail of fire down to my lower back where he rests his hand. He moves so he is standing more in front of me, his hand sliding to my hip. His touch was gentle and sweet but it set every nerve in my body on high alert. No touch has ever made me feel this before.

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