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Feel free to listen to Don't Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers ft. Daya. So perfect for this. Video above :)

~July 11, 2016~

Harry's POV

Yesterday was a nightmare. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life, not even when I was going to audition on the X factor. Thinking I was going to lose my grandmother was a horrible feeling. I felt so guilty and like a horrible person, knowing that because of my touring schedule and everything else I haven't gotten to spend as much time with her as I'd like. I would have been devastated losing her when I finally have the time to spend with her.

I felt so weak, calling Maci like I did, but I didn't know what else to do. Maci had a way of comforting me some how, grounding me in a way. I don't know what it is about her but I know that as the days go on and the more time I spend with her, no matter how brief, I crave that feeling more and more.

I slept like shit last night, or this morning. We didn't get back until almost two in the morning and after we got my grandmother settled in bed it was almost three. I tossed and turned all night, mostly because Maci was suppose to text Gemma when she got home and Gemma was suppose to tell me and Gemma hasn't said anything yet. So here it was not even five thirty in the morning and I was lying wide awake in bed. I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and I was going to go insane if I didn't hear something soon.

I shot up in bed when I hear ringing coming from Gemmas room next door, it must have been set on loud because usually I couldn't hear anything, plus her ringtone was something super annoying. I waited and waited for her to pick it up. One ring. Two. Three. By the fourth ring I was out of bed and out the door. I had just gotten to Gemmas door when I heard her pick. I didn't even bother knocking, I just barged right in.

"Maci??" Gemma shot up in bed, her hair a mess and she still looking half asleep. She glared at me for barging in but I ignored her and stood there waiting to hear if Maci was alright.

"Maci? Are you ok? I can barely understand you." I couldn't hear anything from the other end of the phone but the way Gemma threw off her covers and rushed over to me, grabbing my arm tightly, and how she looked panicked made my heart race.

"What about Kaleb sweetie? Did he hurt you?" I held my breath.

"Yes?? Maci we are on our way! Hold on!" I was already out the door and in my room sliding on my sneakers as fast as I could the second I heard the word yes pass Gemmas lips. I quickly throw on a shirt, getting frustrated when I got my arm stuck. I had on loose sweatpants and I probably looked like a bum but I could care less right now, all I cared about was getting to Maci.

"Gemma what happened?" I asked, out of breath as I ran down the stairs, grabbing my keys from the hook by the door. Gemma followed close behind me, dressed similarly as me.

"I'm not sure exactly? She wasn't speaking coherently and her voice was barely a whisper. I could only make out a few words here and there. I got 'please' and 'help' and then she mumbled Kalebs name. I think he hurt her Harry," Gemmas voice was full of panic and she looked as worried as I felt.

"That fucking bastard, I will kill him," I say through gritted teeth, my hands clenching around the steering wheel as I sped towards Maci's apartment, ignoring all traffic rules. Thankfully it was still fairly early so there wasn't many cars on the road.

"Me too," Gemma said softly. I focused on the drive, every possible scenario running through my head; Maci bleeding uncontrollably, Maci with a busted in face and broken bones, Maci on the brink of death. Oh god, I couldn't breath. I felt my chest get tight and it was getting harder to pull in air. I needed to calm down, this was the worst time to have a asthma attack.

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