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~July 10, 2016~

Waiting rooms always made me feel uncomfortable. You would think the place you had to wait to hear the fate of a loved one would be warm and comforting, not cold and uncomfortable. The white walls with the basic decorations, the hard chairs that make your back hurt, the dull lighting, the tv with the depressing news replaying over and over, the vending machines that rarely worked and the coffee that tasted burnt. They were all the same.

Anne, Robin, Gemma, Harry, their aunt and I all sat around the waiting room, patiently waiting for the test results and to find out if Caroline was going to be alright. It's been five hours since I arrived, it was just past eleven and everyone was exhausted. Gemma reclined on the small love seat, resting her head back on the arm rest, closing her eyes. She wasn't sleeping, she kept tapping her fingers, showing how anxious she was. Anne and Robin sat together on the bench by the vending machines, sitting farther away from everyone. Anne was having a difficult time with this, being the one to find your mother having a seizure was extremely tough. I watched as Robin held her gently in his arms, rubbing her back as he tried soothing her. He truly did care about her and I admired their relationship, which only made me remember the events of earlier. I shake my head of the thoughts, this is not time to start thinking about how I was just lied to for who knows how long.

Harry's aunt went off to the cafeteria to grab something to snack on. Harry sat next to me, fidgeting in his seat, worry echoed across every feature of his face.  He looks exhausted, as did everyone. Worrying takes a lot of of you.  I'm just glad they made this waiting room private, so they weren't bombarded by paparazzi and fans trying to get pictures. They didn't need to be dealing with that on top of worrying about they mother and grandmother. I didn't feel like I was intruding on a family moment, everyone welcomed me and thanked me for showing my support, even tried telling me I didn't need to come.  But I did, not because Harry asked me too, but because in the short time I have cared for Caroline, she has become someone I care about, she was like family to me, i wanted to make sure she was alright, and be here to support Gemma and Harry.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to, I know it's getting late," Harry's tired, groggy voice says

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"You don't have to stay if you don't want to, I know it's getting late," Harry's tired, groggy voice says. He watches me as I bite my lip and play with my rings.  I know if I go home now, Kaleb might not be as mad that I was gone for so long, but then again I didn't care because of what he did and for me our relationship was over, even if he didn't know it yet. So I decided to stay.

"No, I want to stay," I tell him, smiling weakly. I take in his appearance, his wrinkly white Rolling Stones t-shirt and torn black jeans, his slightly greasy hair due to the millions of times he's run his hands through it. "Did you want me to get you anything? Coffee? Something to eat?" I don't think I've seen him eat or drink anything since I got here and I don't want him to make himself sick.

"Actually, did you want to walk with me to the cafeteria?" Harry ask, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he looks at me, his sad, tired green eyes taking in every inch of my face.

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