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~July 18, 2016~

I jump out of bed the second I hear my alarm go off. I'm so thankful I have it set to go off everyday of the week so I don't have to set it every night. Especially now when I have no idea how I got in my bed. The last thing I remember from last night was Harry telling me to lay down and rest my head on his lap. I must have fallen asleep. Oh no, I fell asleep on him. How embarrassing. I hope I didn't snore or make any other embarrassing noises. He must have carried me up the stairs too. Oh god, I probably broke his back or made him pull a muscle. He should have just left me on the couch.

It was awfully sweet of him though.

As I get ready for work I think back to last night and everything Harry said to me. I couldn't get the way he sounded when he spoke to me, so serious and hopeful, or how his eyes were pleading with me to believe what he was saying and for me to say yes. I believe him, but I still feel a little nervous about this, I think I will feel this way for awhile. My past has really screwed me up and it's going to take more than a day to get over my fears. Harry said he will wait though. And that we could take things slow, which is what I need right now.

I'll admit though, I'm a little excited to see where things go with Harry. He's been nothing but kind to me and he really is so sweet and thoughtful. It makes my heart race, just thinking about him. And the way he held me last night was so gentle and comforting. I could have stayed curled up next to him for forever. No wonder I fell asleep on him, he made me feel comfortable and relaxed. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

Speaking of feeling relaxed, I slept all night. I don't remember ever waking up once because of a nightmare.  I don't really remember dreaming at all now that I think about it. I feel great. I feel rested and alert, that sluggish feeling I've felt over the last week has vanished. I did have a couple of beers last night but that's definitely not enough alcohol to knock me out. Maybe it was Harry's presence? For once I fell asleep not thinking about what happened with Kaleb that night, which in turn didn't provoke any nightmares. I needed that, and I didn't know just how bad until now.

I was a little nervous about seeing Harry today, mostly because I'm a little embarrassed for falling asleep on him and for him to have to carry me upstairs. Also nervous because I keep thinking he will change his mind about me.  I do want to see him though, and thank him for such a great night and for being so sweet and for not making me feel like a baby for crying. I'm not use to someone taking care of me, it's so strange to me. I like it though, makes me feel safe in a way.

After getting dressed in jean shorts and a light blue tank top and sliding on some sandals, I make my way over to the main house. It was fairly warm out already so I know today was going to be hot, which I guess is sort of typical for England in July. I wasn't complaining though, I loved warm weather. I walk through the kitchen door, feeling light on my feet and feeling like today will be a great day. Having a full nights sleep was exactly what I needed.

"Well good morning Maci. You look happy this morning," Anne greets me from where she's standing at the counter, packing her lunch.

"Good morning! I am, and well rested. I actually slept last night," I laugh, smiling at her as I lean up against the counter. 

"I'm glad to hear that. My mum slept all night and took off her oxygen at some point while she slept.  I put it back on this morning but she may have pulled it off again, who knows." Anne chuckles, shrugging her shoulders.

"I will go up and check on her in a minute," I nod, watching Anne close up her lunch bag.

"How was last night?" Anne asks, turning to look at me. I look down at the counter, my cheeks flush and a small smile on my face.

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