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Maci's POV

I'm exhausted. Completely drained from the event of the last couple days. From the whole ordeal with Kaleb, to being brought to the hospital and undergoing what seemed like a hundred tests, to getting fifteen stitches on my forehead. Then once all that was over with and was feeling up to it, I had to answer about a million questions from the police. I went through every detail of last night, reliving those moments over again. I don't even remember Harry coming in, only that I remember hearing his voice at some point and hearing him say I did good. 

The police explained to me that Kaleb is in a lot of trouble, so is his friend Rick apparently. I guess Rick has been helping Kaleb out for weeks now, sending me those texts while Kaleb was working on getting out of jail. From what I understood, Kaleb will be going to prison for a long, long time. This time with no way of getting out early. 

You would think I would feel a bigger sense of relief after hearing all that, knowing I won't ever have to deal with Kaleb ever again, but I just can't let go of the fact that I let myself go through all that with him when I could have just smartened up years ago and left him, before it got too bad.  I know what Kaleb did to me isn't my fault, that he is a sick man, but it is my fault for letting it go on so long.  I don't want women, or men, to have to go through what I have gone through, especially feeling as though they have no one to turn to. I think it would help me to volunteer at a domestic abuse shelter or do something to reach out to those in the same position I was in. People need to know they aren't alone and that there's someone who understands them, that they are capable to being loved.

Speaking of love, I haven't seen Harry since I was wheeled off on a gurney. I've seen Gemma and she explained that Harry and Alex had to go through the same questioning process I did. Gemma told me Harry feels awful that he couldn't protect me, that he feels as though he broke his promise to me about keeping me safe. I guess he's been beating himself up about it and wasn't listening to anything anyone was saying to him. I needed to see him, not only to tell him that he didn't break any promises, that this wasn't his fault, but to just see him and feel his arms around me. To be in the only place  I ever truly felt safe. 

After getting the OK to leave the hospital the evening after the whole thing, i dressed as quickly as I could despite hurting all over my entire body.  Luckily there wasn't anything broken, just some bruised ribs and some nasty bruises and of course the horrific gash on my forehead. That will leave a scar for sure.  Anne was bringing me home because Harry was still at the police station. The whole drive home, she kept apologizing to me, feeling terrible that her and Robin never heard anything and that they weren't there to help me.  I reassured her over and over again that it was fine, that I didn't want them to get hurt but trying to help me.  Anne is so sweet, telling me I was being silly and that they would do anything for me, even put their life at risk.  Of course I cried. My emotions were all over the place after every that happened and hearing how much Anne cared about me made it ten times worse. 

We pull into the drive way and I just sit there and stared at the guest house and I continued to sit there long after the car was shut off.  I don't know how I was going to feel going back into that place, seeing everything that will only remind me of last night. 

"We cleaned everything up, so you don't have to worry about it.  If you are too uncomfortable going in there, there is always a room for you in the main house," Anne assured me, taking my hand in hers. All I could do was nod.  I can't let my fears run my life any more.  The best way for me to handle them was to face them head on. Plus this time, I had memories of me fighting back.

"I think I will be alright, but thank you." I take a deep breath and go to open the door but Anne stops me. 

"How about you come to the main house and have some tea? I will make us all something to eat?"

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