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Can we just take a moment to admire this picture and how perfect Harry is. *sigh*

~July 9, 2016~

I have noticed quite the change in Caroline over the past week. She's more tired, getting winded more easily, she's more confused than not. I haven't been able to have a normal, coherent conversation with her the last few days. She still remembers who Anne and Robin are and who Gemma and Harry are. I can tell that is going to be something that will be very difficult for them to come to terms with. Today she has been in bed all morning, only getting up to use the restroom and to drink some water. She just refused lunch, telling me she will eat later because she is too tired.

I stood at the kitchen counter, wrapping Caroline's lunch before placing it into the refrigerator for later. I felt terrible that she wasn't eating. At least she was drinking, that was good, having her get dehydrated would not be the best thing. Gemma and Harry walk into the kitchen just then, laughing about something.

"Hey guys," I call out, closing the refrigerator door.

"Hey Maci!" Gemma sings, heading straight for the breakfast nook, setting a stack of about a dozen magazines down before sitting down herself. Harry walks over by where I am, opening the fridge I had just closed, rummaging in it before pulling out a bottle of water. He unscrews the cap and takes a long pull and that's when I noticed he was wearing black athletic shorts and a t-shirt with the sleeves  cut off. Also how sweaty he was. He must have just finished working out.

Don't stare Maci. Don't stare. I busy myself with wiping down the counter, keeping my eyes off of Harry. I feel a light pressure on my arm and look to see Harrys hand, is long, ring clad fingers wrapped around my upper arm.  I look up at him but he's not looking at my face, he's looking at my neck. He turns me slightly, not saying anything, only keeping his eyes on my neck. I'm confused for a second and I reach up to touch my neck, my fingers coming into contact with the necklace Kaleb got me.  My hand drops back to my side, watching Harry.

"Where did you get this?" Harry's voice is soft, curious. He reaches up and picks up the small piece of jewelry, his fingers brushing the skin of my neck, sending a shiver down my back that I tried desperately to hide. 

"Kaleb. He bought it for me the other night." I clear my throat, feeling nervous when Harry's eyes locked with mine, his gaze hardening as something seemed to click in his head.  He drops my necklace and runs a frustrated hand through his hair, taking a step back and slamming his water bottle down on the counter. I jumped and stepped back, creating more distance between us. 

"Shit, Maci, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to jump you," Harry goes to step forward but stops himself, he bites his bottom lip, contemplating something, keeping his eyes locked on my scared ones.  "Damnit. Gemma we have to say something, this is killing me." Harry's voice is deeper than usual, his voice full of emotion as he speaks.  I look over at Gemma, seeing her frown but nod.

"How about we go sit down Maci," Harry suggests, keeping his distance.  I nod slowly, tuning to go sit at the breakfast nook.  Gemma slides over, making room for me to sit next to her.  Harry slides in across from us.  He fold his hands together on top of the table, his long arms stretching out in front of him. Gemmas hands are fidgeting nervously in her lap.

"What's going on guys?" I ask after no one speaks.  I look back and forth between them, seeing the worried glances they kept throwing at each other. 

"We were going to wait to tell you this, hoping you would find out on your own but seeing that necklace and knowing Kaleb got if for you just makes my blood boil and I cant keep this in any longer," Harry speaks first.

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