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Maci's POV

The first thing I notice when I come too is the incessant beeping coming from somewhere to my right. The next thing I notice is that scratchy feeling along my forehead and my arms and soreness in my neck and side. I reach up slowly and touch my forehead, feeling the softness of some sort of fabric, most likely a bandage. I feel the same thing on my arms before dropping my heavy hand onto the bed next to me. To weak to hold it up anymore. I didn't dare to open my eyes, afraid of what I would see, who I would see. From all the sounds I could make out, I knew I was in the hospital but I'm not completely sure how I got here. I'm praying that Kaleb isn't here, I couldn't handle that. The last thing I remember was trying to call Gemma, I don't even know if she answered.

I hear shuffling next to me and I decide to open my eyes a little, just a peak, to see who was in the room with me. The light was bright and took me a second for my eyes to adjust but once they did I swept my eyes around the room, seeing the hideous hospital gown I had on and noticing the plain, white walls, the white board with my name and information on it and what looks like a sleeping Harry in the corner, sitting very uncomfortably in the small recliner. His head was leaning back against the chair, his hands clasped on his stomach and his long legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles.

Harry was here? Why? Where was Gemma? Did I call Harry? No, I don't have Harry's number, I couldn't have called him. I'm so lost and my head is pounding. I have no idea how long I have been here or how bad my injuries are. I don't know how I got here, I don't remember all that happened to land me in the hospital, everything was really fuzzy and I felt myself starting to panic, my heart rate increasing causing the machine next to me to alarm, alerting the nurses.

"Maci?" Harry's voice jumped me. He sounded relieved and a little weary. I look over at him, watching him with more nervousness than I've ever felt around him. He made slow, cautious movements towards me, his hands up, showing he wasn't going to hurt me, didn't stop me from trying to scoot away from him though, sliding towards the edge of the bed, farthest from Harry. He stopped dead in his track, his face falling and his shoulders sagging in defeat.

"Where's Gemma?" My voice was rough and gravely and my throat so, so dry. I try clearing my throat but that doesn't do anything to help and I look around for some water. I see a small cup with a straw sitting on the tray next to me, far out of my reach though. That's ok, I will wait until Gemma gets back, if she's even here at all.

"She went to grab some tea, she should be back any moment," his quiet voice and gentle tone does little to relax me. I hate feeling so lost. "Would you like me to hand you that water?"

"No!" I say to quickly, seeing him frown, "I mean, no thank you." I could hardly move, my whole body hurt. My side ached worse that anything else I felt and my neck was incredibly sore and this stupid bandage on my head was making my forehead itch like crazy. My lip felt swollen and my my face was aching a little, I can only imagine what I look like.

Just then the door opened and a nurse walked in, along with a tall woman with a long white coat. Must be the doctor. They both smile sympathetically at me, the nurse going over to the monitor and pressing a few buttons, the doctor grabbing my chart and reading something for a minute before looking back up at me.

"Hi Maci, I'm Dr. Taylor. How are you feeling? You're heart rate has increased, are you anxious?" She walked over to the side of the bed, leaning over to check my bandages and her cold fingers brushed against my neck causing me to jump a little. "Sorry."

"I'm sore. And anxious. Feeling a little confused right now, everything is a little hazy," I admit, being as honest as I can, knowing if I hide things it will only keep me in here longer.

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