Moving Day

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Today I was getting ready to catch a plane to London. In the past 2 months Niall and I had been working on getting everything settled. I finished my third year of college, an was ready to start my forth one at a university in London. My apartment was almost completely packed up. I was leaving my furniture and a few pictures behind, along with a few other things. Everything else beside the suitcase I had with me had already been shipped to Niall's apartment.

"Hey girly you ready?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah just saying goodbye." I said I felt tears prick my eyes. It was weird thinking the I had only lived here for a few years and now I was leaving.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you so much!" She said pulling me in for the first of many hugs.

"You will always be my best friend Tif. I'm gonna fly you guys out later in the year so get ready." I said.

"It seems just like yesterday we were sitting on my floor eating pizza." Tiffany said.

"Yeah and it seems like just yesterday we were laughing at how I had no furniture." I said remembering the day I had moved in.

"Ladies if we don't get a move on Sarah is gonna miss her flight!" Zach called from the doorway. We both started to walk out the door. When we got to my car the twins were already waiting for me.

"Come here weirdo!" Noah called opening his arms for me.

"I'll miss you." I said hugging him.

"Stay weird." He said letting me go.

"Short stuff!" Zach yelled at me. I ran over to him and he picked me up in one of his bear hugs.

"Ugh Zach I'm gonna miss your hugs!" I said when he put me on the ground again.

"I'll miss you." He said. I turned to see a teary eyed Logan.

"Kiddo." Was all he said and I ran to his arms.

"Thank you. For everything Logan. You are such an amazing guy." I said hugging him tight.

"I'm gonna miss you. Listen to me. Stay strong. For me." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Alright. We have to go girly." Tiffany said. I turned and gave Taylor another hug. Her small hands played with my hair as I kissed her cheek goodbye.

"Bye bye little bean. I'll miss you." I said

"I miss you too!" She said kissing my cheek. I gave everyone another hug before getting in my car. Tiffany was coming to the airport with me.

When we got to the airport I felt a tear fall from my eye. I'm gonna miss this place. It had been my home for 3 years. It's hard to say goodbye.

"Well here we are." Tiffany said.

"Thanks so much for being there for me." I said hugging her.

"I will always be here for you." She said giving me a hug back.

"Here I want you to have this." I said taking my car key off of the chain.

"Why?" She asked.

"1 because you need to get home. And 2 because I want you to have Mac. He's a good car. Besides I can't drive him in London." I said she took the keys to my car and smiled. She had always loved how crappy it had been.

"You have to go before you miss your flight." She said hugging me again.

"Bye Tif. Love you." I said.

"Love you too girly." She said as I walked away to my flight. I guess now I'm ending another chapter in my life and starting a new one.

Once the plane finally landed I felt terrible. I hadn't been able to sleep most of the way. As I got off the plane and got my bag and I let out a loud yawn. I started looking for Niall by security. I stood on my tiptoes and found him. He was surrounded by a small group of girls asking for pictures. I walked over to him. One of the girls made eye contact with me and pointed at me. Niall slowly turned around when he saw me. He ran towards me and scooped me up.

"Ugh I've miss you!" He said kissing me. It felt so nice to be in his arms again.

"I've missed you more." I said. We kept kissing in the airport. The girls kept giggling and taking pictures.

"Let's go home." He said.

"I'm ready." I said grabbing my bag.

"Goodbye girls nice meeting you!" Niall called as we walked away.

"Here we are welcome to our flat!" Niall said opening the door.

"What's a flat?" I asked looking at him confused.

"Oh right apartment. Here they are called flats." Niall said laughing at me.

"Oh. So how much do I have to unpack?" I asked.

"That bag." He said pointing to the bag at my feet.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep I already unpacked everything else." He said pointing around our apartment. I saw the picture Tiffany had taken of us hanging on one wall, a few of my family photos hanging on walls, and in frames.

"Thanks babe." I said kissing him.

"Come on I want to show you our room!" He said taking my hand. He lead me to the master bedroom that I had slept in last summer with him. My favorite pair of sheets was already on the bed along with a few more of our pictures. He dragged me to the walk in closet. Half of it was filled with his things an the other half was filled with mine.

"You are very organized!" I said looking at how he had sorted my shirts form my sweaters, my shorts from my jeans, and even my underwear was sorted in small drawers.

"I try." He said giving me a smile.

"It's amazing Niall. I can't believe we are living together!" I squealed running over as hugging him.

"This is going to be amazing." He said into my hair. I let out a loud yawn.

"I'm so tiered." I said.

"Jet lag don't worry you'll sleep like a baby." He said picking me up and dropping me on the bed.

"Sleep tight princess. Big day tomorrow!" He said kissing the top of my head before leaving the room. Seconds later my eyes were closed and sleep was falling over me.

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