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~~~~~15 years later~~~~~~

***Autumn's P.O.V***

"Autumn sweetie wake up." My mom said as I rolled over trying to cling to sleep.

"I just wanna sleep." I said grabbing the bear I always slept with.

"Don't make me get Matt in here." She said again.

"I'm awake don't let the drool monster in here." I said sitting up before my mom could let our drooling dog into my room.

"Come on get dressed and come down to breakfast. Damian, and Rose are both already down there. So is your dad. Don't forget we are going to Harry and Brianna's tonight for dinner." She said kissing my forehead before leaving the room. 

I got out of bed and looked at myself. For a 16 year old I was a little shorter, my red hair rested on my collarbone in tight curls. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a tank top. I looked at the dress I had hanging in my closet for the surprise anniversary party Brianna and I had planned out. It was insane that my parents had been married for 15 years and were still madly in love.

When I finally got to the kitchen everyone was sitting at the kitchen island eating my mom's signature pancakes. I looked at my 13 year old sister Rose who had long curly brown hair that she got from my dad who even tough he dyed his hair still loved the light brown that she got from him. Then i looked at my 10 year old brother Damian who had reddish brownish hair that he kept long and hanging in his face. 

"Morning sweetie." My dad said kissing my forehead as he handed me a stack of pancakes. I looked out the patio door to see the grey sky. The only bad part of living in London was that there was little sun. 

"Ok guys don't  forget we are leaving in about 3 weeks for our vacation to North Carolina and New Jersey." My mom said as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. Every year since I could remember we would take a summer vacation to North Carolina for an unplugged week where we would see my aunt Tiffany and Uncels Zach, Logan, and Noah. Then to New Jersey to see my grandparents, my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. It was always a lot of fun seeing everyone.

"Mom what are you going to wear tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know sweetie maybe you and Rose could help me find something." She said smiling running her hand down my sister hair.

"Ok. Can I be excused. I want to go practice my guitar. Dad I think I've finally gotten one of your old songs down." I said,

"Oh really which one?" He asked.

"Through the dark the one you wrote for mom." I said smiling at them

"Aw I always loved that song." Mom said smiling at me from across the island.

"I'll have to hear you play later. You can go a head and practice." Dad said.

While I sat in my dad's "office" which was what he called the room he kept all his guitars in I looked at all the pictures he had. Ones of him and my uncles when they were younger. One from the very beginning to the one that was taken a few days after they announced the end of One Direction. I wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps and become famous. However i was the only one. My sister loved to paint and draw but even though she was amazing didn't want to make it a career and my brother he took after my mom and wanted to become a doctor one day. I picked up my favorite guitar. It was one my dad used on his last tour. It was old and beat up but it had my name written in black sharpie on the back of the neck. I started to let my mind go blank as I started to play.

Later that night I stood with mom and Rose in mom and dad's room helping her get ready. I laid out her black and white pokadoted strapless dress that fell below her knees with a black cardigan and black wedges. Rose helped do her hair in a braided crown while I did her make up. Once mom was dressed she stepped out of the bathroom and Rose and I stopped helping each other get ready.

You Saved Me. Right?- One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now