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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I sat up and smiled at how nice it felt to be back in my own bed. Niall as I had come back to London a week ago. It was nice being able to wake up in my own bed and walk around with no pants on. I know it sounds weird but that's all I have been wanting to do over the past 3 weeks that we have been out of town. I got out of bed and my hands automatically fell to my now huge baby bump. I smiled at how much it had gotten. That just meant Autumn was doing great. I pulled my hair into a side pony tale and walked out into the living room. I saw a bunch of boxes stacked around the living room. They had arrived the day after we had gotten back. The boxes were filled with the nursery furniture. I walked through the kitchen door to see Niall standing in a pair of sweat pants making breakfast.
"Hey princess." He said kissing my cheek.
"Hey babe. Smells amazing." I said taking a piece of bacon off the plate.
"So are you ready for today?" He asked.
"Ugh! I don't want to!" I said sitting down on the kitchen floor.
"Sarah come on we have to. We promised Simon we would do one talk show. And then we don't have to do anything else big." He said.
"But I just wanna lay around the house all day!" I whined I know I sounded like a 5 year old.
"I know but we have to do this. One interview and then we can come home and watch the breakfast club." He said smiling down at me and handing me another piece of bacon.
"Ugh fine! But you pinky promise on the breakfast club right?" I asked looking up at him and sticking out my pinky. Niall chuckled as he linked his pinky with mine.
"Yes I pinky promise. Now let me help you off the floor so we can eat." Niall said taking my hand and lifting me off the ground. I really didn't want to do the interview. I knew the fans hated me. I still hadn't checked my twitter since Niall and I went on a hiatus. I didn't want to hear about how I was a slut. I knew no matter what we said the fans would still be mad at me.

When we pulled up to the tv studio I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing jeans, a black tank top, a long white cardigan over it, and my white toms. I had done my hair in big bouncy curls.
"You look so beautiful Sarah." Niall said opening the car door for me.
"Thank you babe." I said taking his hand. When we walked into the studio we saw Simon talking to a blond girl.
"Ah there they are! Sarah, Niall this is Jennifer she will be doing your intervene today." Simon said as we all shook hands.
"Nice to meet you both. Sarah I must say you are much prettier in person." She said making me blush.
"Thanks. I love that dress." I said looking at her light purple long sleeved dress.
"Well thanks. You guys are going to be on in about 20 minutes. I'll have Bill the tech guy come over and mic you both. The interview is going to be very simple just clear up a few rumors. What are some topics you don't want to discuss?" She asked.
"How the baby was conceived. That is a topic I don't want to go anywhere near." Niall said. I lightly slapped his arm and gave him a warning look.
"Would you mind us asking about how you guys met, and how you proposed?" Jennifer asked Niall.
"That I don't mind sharing. I don't think I have actually told the story of how we met." Niall said blushing.
"Ok well I'll see you both out there in 15 minutes. Don't be nervous and have fun!" She said waving goodbye.
"This should be interesting. Now make sure not to embarrass the band or yourselves. Not that I'm saying you would. Just be very careful on what you say. People like to twist words. So watch out for that. Have fun and thank you both for doing this." Simon said giving me a hug and Niall a hand shake before walking away.

"And we're back. Coming up now we have Niall Horan and his fiancé Sarah Brown. Now they decided to come on here to finally give us the deal on their engagement, relationship, and their baby! Lets welcome them now!" Jennifer said. Niall gripped my hand as we walked out onto the stage as took our seats at the table.
"Welcome guys." She said smiling at us.
"Thanks for having us Jennifer." I said smiling back.
"So lets get right to it. You are in fact pregnant?" She asked. I tried not to start laughing.
"Yes I am. I'm about 5 months along now." I said resting my hand on my stomach.
"Wow you look just stunning for someone 5 months pregnant." Jennifer said.
"Thanks." I said.
"So Niall the first rumor we would like to clear up is, is the reason you two got engaged because Sarah got pregnant?" She asked turning towards Niall.
"Actually no. Sarah and I had been engaged for awhile before she got pregnant." Niall said.
"That's great so how did you propose?" Jennifer asked.
"So I had this planned out for months in advance. Once Sarah moved in with me I let her get used to London. Then one day I told her we were going sight seeing. I took her to Big Ben the London Eye. We had an amazing day I didn't know when exactly I was going to ask her so we kept walking around when I saw this cute little park. We had lunch at a café across the street and when we finished we waked through the park and the rest is history." He said taking my hand.
"Aw that is such a beautiful story. Can we see the ring?" She asked. I held up my hand so a camera could zoom in on it.
"That's such a pretty ring. Now Sarah there is a rumor going around that the baby isn't Niall's. Now is this true?" Jennifer asked turning back to me.
"No that is not true. Niall is the only person I have been with in the past 4 years. He is the love of my life and I would never cheat on him." I said looking at Niall who's grip on my hand had tightened a little bit.
"So the baby is Niall's?" She asked again.
"Yes Niall is the father of our child." I said I could hear how serious my voice had gotten.
"So you said it's been 4 years of you guys together. Is that right?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Can you tell us how you two met?" She asked.
"Oh that easy I still remember it like it was yesterday. I had gotten One Direction concert tickets for my 18th birthday. My mom had some how managed to get me a backstage pass. So in between their sets I went backstage and I saw the 5 of them walking around. The had all been polite and said hi. But Niall had stopped and started talking to me. Well when the break was over I went back to my seat, and right before the concert ended Paul came up to me and told me that Niall wanted me to meet him backstage. So I went back there and we started taking again. We exchanged numbers and hung out the next day." I said smiling. I knew I probably looked crazy but I always got butterflies in my stomach every time I talked about how we met.
"So Niall it was love at first sight?" Jennifer asked.
"Yeah there was voice in the back of my head screaming that I had to get to know this girl. That she was going to be the one I marry." He said kissing my cheek.
"Aw that's so sweet. So Sarah you were just a normal fan. Did you ever imagine that you would be marrying Niall Horan?" She asked.
"It you had told me that I was going to be the one marrying him 4 years ago I would have said you were on drugs. But yeah I was just a normal fan. I had been following them for 2 years and I finally got to go to a concert. That night I was just expecting a normal concert not to find the love of my life." I said grabbing Niall's hand again.
"Wow you can feel the pure love in the room right now. So have you been on twitter recently?" She asked.
"No Sarah and I agreed that until we got back from holiday with our families we would go on any social media. We didn't want to ruin out holiday with some of the negative comments that might have shown up. We both love my fans to death but we just wanted to really relax with our families." Niall said.
"That's understandable. However since that report came out you both have been trending on twitter. It's a surprise that your fans have been tweeting you both about this since the first report. How do you feel about that?" She asked.
"Wow that's amazing. Like my last tweet said I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I'm sorry. We both are. We just didn't know exactly how to tell you guys. However Sarah and I wanted to announce here since all of our friends and family know and you guys are like our family we wanted to tell you that the baby is a girl." Niall said smiling like the proudest dad in the world.
"That is amazing congrats you guys. So we have time for one last question. Sarah the picture that outed you as pregnant was taken in front of a grave yard. We have all been wondering who you were visiting." Jennifer asked. I felt my stomach drop to my feet.
"Um I was visiting my friend Nick who had passed away 3 years ago. He was and still is my best friend. We had been best friends since I was a baby and we grew up together in the same town for our whole lives. He was a huge part of my life and it was very sad to see him go. He was such an amazing guy." I said feeling tears prick my eyes.
"Oh I'm so sorry love. How did he pass away? If you don't mind me asking." Jennifer said. I could see the sadness in her own eyes.
"No it's ok. It was a car accident. A drunk diver had hit him and his car had wrapped around a pole." I said feeling a tear fall from my eye.
"I'm so sorry for your lost. Well my manager just told me we have time for one more question actually. So what are your plans for the future?" She asked. I looked at Niall sending him a silent plea to answer the question.
"We plan on being a family. We still haven't set a date for the wedding yet so we still have to decide on that. Sarah is planing on graduating from the uni here, and then moving on to medical school to become a doctor. The boys and I are still working on music so that's all happening. But Sarah and I are really going to focus on being a family. That's the most important thing to us." Niall said kissing my cheek again.
"We'll I would like to thank both of you for coming on the show today. To all the one direction fans out there we hope this interview has cleared somethings up for you. We wish you both the best. We'll be right back after these messages." She said as the 'on air' light turned off.
"Thank you so much Jennifer." Niall said shaking her hand.
"Yes thank you it was so much fun." I said shaking her hand.
"No thank you for coming on the show. Now all you have to do is turn your mics to Bill and you are free to go. Thank you both again for coming on the show. It was so nice to meet the two of you." She said waving goodbye as she walked back to the stage.

When we got back in the car inlet out a loud sigh.
"That was the hardest thing I have ever hand to do." I said resting my head on the window.
"You did an amazing job Sarah. I'm so proud of you." Niall said kissing me.
"Thanks. Can we go home now?" I asked.
"Of course princess. Wanna get hot chocolate?" He asked. I nodded my head against the glass and slowly started to fall asleep again. I was mentally drained from that interview. I really hope the fans liked it.

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