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I stayed sitting on Niall's lap for awhile. We turned off the tv and all the lights an looked at the Christmas tree.

"W-what did Simon say?" I asked as he played with my hair.

"He said that tipped them off that we were in New Jersey so they followed us. When we were driving over there they recognized to rental car. They didn't want to go into the grave yard out of respect so they were hiding in the bushes. They saw the sonogram and took the picture. I'm so sorry Sarah this should have never happened." Niall said resting his head on mine.

"It's fine. What happens now?" I asked sniffling.

"Well we finish celebrating the holidays with our families. Then Simon said we could do an interview if you were up for it but only when we get back home." Niall said.

"Ok. I'm afraid to look at my phone." I said playing with it.

"Same. I don't want to see what the fans have to say." Niall said I know it's harder on him than it is for me. I know for a fact that right now world war 3 has broken out in the fandom. Half are happy for Niall and I the other half hate my guts.

"I'm sorry Niall." I said.

"Don't be. It's not your fault." He said rubbing my back.

"Yes it is. If I had put the picture back in my pocket this wouldn't be happening." I said feeling more tears fall down my face.

"Sarah they were going to find out sooner or later. I mean we can't just go walking around with a baby all the sudden and people be cool with it." Niall said trying to make me laugh.

"Yeah but still. The fans are going to hate me. They might even hate you." I said looking down at our hands locked together.

"Here lets make a deal we won't go on twitter or anything else until we get back to London." He said I looked up at him and I could see how serious he was about it.

"Ok. I promise." I said.

"Pinky promise?" He asked making me start to laugh as he held up his pinky.

"What are you 5?" I asked.

"Yes now pinky promise." He said as I wrapped my pinky around his.

"I love you." I said kissing him.

"I love you more. Now give me your phone." Niall said taking the phone out of my hand. I watched as he logged me out of twitter, and Instagram. He did the same on his phone before doing a simple tweet.

"Sorry guys. Happy holidays!" He tweeted ad logged out.

"There now it's just us." He said kissing me.

"I'm tiered." I said.

"Same. Come on Santa is going to be here soon." Niall said standing up.

"I don't want to walk up all those steps!" I said.

"Hop on." Niall said.

"You're the best." I sad kissing him.

"So I've been told." Niall said as we walked up to bed. It was weird to think that from now until January 5th Niall and I would be normal. When Niall put me down on the bed I quickly crawled under the blankets and quickly fell asleep.

"Sarah. Hey little bear come on wake up." My mom said lightly shaking me.

"What?" I said sitting up. Niall wasn't in bed with me.

"Come on its Christmas. We were waiting for you but you seem to sleep forever. Come on. Niall is already downstairs." My mom said.

"Thanks mom." I said swinging my legs off the bed and walking over to get my hoodie. Just before I got to the steps I felt the familiar pain in my stomach. I quickly turned around and ran to the bathroom. When my body hit the floor I started to throw up. I hated this part of the morning. I heard someone come into the bathroom. I looked up expecting my mom but there stood Parker.

You Saved Me. Right?- One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now