Running away

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As I walked up to the apartment building I could feel the early October wind hitting my face. In the last month everything was going smoothly. Niall and I had one bump in the road when everyone found out we were engaged. Apparently someone from the club we went to gave a tip to the paparazzi that we were there. When they interviewed people they talked to the sleaze ball guy the tried to hit on me. He told them that I was hitting on him and Niall flipped. Of course it didn't help that someone got a video of us fighting with him and Niall telling him I was his fiancé. A few other people said that they heard El and I talking about how I was engaged and they told the paparazzi. So I started getting hate again from all the fans. When I unlocked the door I heard my phone going off. I looked down to see a reminder that my period should be ending soon. That's weird. I wasn't on my period. Now that I think about it I skipped last month too. I felt my heart start to pound in the back of my throat.

"No!" I whispered under my breath as I threw my books on to the table. I grabbed my purse and ran back to my car. This can't be happening. There was no way this was happening to me. We had only not used protection once. This isn't possible. This can't happen not now.

When I got back from the drug store I pulled out the box with 3 pregnancy tests in them. After I used them all I lined them up on the sink and waited. I pulled my knees up to my head and started to rock back and forth. Niall was working late at the studio with the other boys today. He wasn't suppose to be home till 10:30 tonight. What the hell am I going to do if these come out positive. What am I going to do? I'm about to turn 22. I'm to young to have kids. My thoughts were interrupted by the alarm on my phone going off. I stood up and looked at the test. All 3 showed me that my biggest fear was true. I was pregnant. That's when I lost it I started to cry.

"I can't do this!" I yelled into the empty apartment. I can't ruin Niall's career. That's when an idea came to me. I would run away. Not tell Niall what happened and just disappear. I wasn't going to be the reason Niall's career ended. I quickly booked a flight leaving for North Carolina in the next hour. I shoved random clothes into a bag and grabbed my phone from the floor of the bathroom. Before I left I wrote a note to Niall. I was crying trying to think of what I was suppose to say.


I'm sorry.

-Sarah" was all I could write. I slowly slipped off my ring and left it with the note. As I took one last look at the place I had called home for the past few months I felt my heart break again. I have to do this for Niall.

As I walked up to the door of Tiffany's place I was still crying. I hadn't stopped on the plane or the can ride here. I really needed a friend. An this was the first place I knew I come. It was 12:30 on a Saturday so I knew she would be home and Zach would be at work. I felt my shaky hand reach up and knock on the door.

"Hi how can I help you?" Tiffany said not looking at me.

"I need a friend." Was all I said until her head snapped up. I started to sob again.

"Girly why are you here and not in London?!" She asked pulling me close to her.

"I had to leave. It's what's best for Niall and I. I can't ruin his career!" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Hey hey slow down why would you be ruining his career?" Tiffany asked lifting my head up.

"I-I'm p-pregnant!" I said. Tiffany didn't say a word I knew she was in shock I still was.

"Why the hell did you leave then?!" She yelled at me.

"Cause it would ruin his career. I didn't tell him why I was leaving. He should never find out about this. No one can know. It would ruin him." I said sobbing.

"Sarah. Sarah. Do you know how worried Niall is going to be? You just packing up and leaving like this. He has rights as the father to know. You have to call him." Tiffany said walking to find her phone.

"No Tiffany. He can't know. It's not like I will ever see him again. He has work. He can't just come and find me. I don't want him knowing. I'll raise this baby by myself. I can do it. Please don't tell him. He can't find out." I said falling to the floor crying.

"Fine." Tiffany said sitting next to me. She started to rub small circles on my back. I knew she was going to call Niall later but I didn't care she wasn't allowed to tell him anything. Niall can never find out about the baby. It was going to be my new secret.

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