The Dream

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"Come on Sarah!" Niall said pulling me off the plane. We had just arrived in Ireland.

"Calm down Niall!" I said. I hadn't seen him this excited since we found out we were having a girl. Niall kept pulling me behind him. I felt a sudden lurch in my stomach. I stopped in my tracks causing Niall to stumble.

"Sarah what's wrong?" He said coming back to me. I didn't say a word as I looked for the closest trash can. Of course it was right by a group of paparazzi. I pushed Niall aside and ran to the trash can.

"Sarah! Is it true you and Niall only got engaged because your pregnant?" Most of them yelled at me as I bent over the trash can. I felt two hands come up behind me and hold my hair.

"It's ok sweetie. It's ok." Niall said into my ear. When I finished I refused to show my face to the cameras. Niall handed me a napkin and a glass of water. I whipped off my mouth and swished my mouth out with the water.

"I'm so sorry." I said trying not to cry.

"Hey don be sorry it's not your fault." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Sarah! Niall! Sarah! Niall!" They all seemed to be screaming at us.

"C-can we go?" I asked feeling tears fall from my eyes.

"Yeah come on princess." Niall said pulling me closer to his body. I started to sob when I realized they all had pictures of my throwing up. Niall picked up our bags an we headed to get the rental car.

"It's going to be alright Sarah. It's just morning sickness. They can't be mad at you for that. Come on get comfy it's gonna be a long drive." Niall said kissing my head before he shut my door. As we drove I tried to get a little bit more sleep. After Christmas we only stayed for a few more days at my parents' place. We just laid around the house and hung out with my family. I hated leaving them but I knew Niall really wanted to see his family. The plane ride had been terrible. I had a terrible migraine and someone's cologne on the plane smelt terrible. We also had made the mistake of taking a night flight not thinking as soon as I got off the plane I would get sick. I rested my head on the on the window and went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the trunk being closed. I didn't want to get up. I tried to go back to sleep. I felt someone open my door and unbuckle my seat belt. I was soon lifted out of the car. I knew it was Niall by the smell of his cologne. I snuggled into his chest. All I wanted to do was sleep. By my sleepy state I was guessing it was about 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Mom I'm gonna go lay Sarah down up stairs ok. I'll be right back down." Niall said.

"It's ok honey take your time." Maura said. Soon I felt my body being put down on the bed. Niall pulled the covers over me and kissed my forehead. When the door closed I soon fell asleep. I started to have the weirdest dream. I was standing in the hospital holding my stomach in pain. I looked around trying to find Niall but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I tried to find my phone to call him but I didn't have a phone. Then a nurse came and swept me off to a delivery room. When I looked at the doctor who came in it was Nick.

"Nick!" I heard myself yelling. He didn't seem to notice I was calling his name. The next nurse that came in looked like Brianna. Then two more came in who looked like Ashley and Betty. I started freaking out. I didn't see Niall and I was about to have the baby. Ashley and Betty started laughing at my panic ad Brianna wasn't even paying attention. I started to cry. When Nick yelled at me to push I suddenly sat up in bed. The room was now filled with the glow of twilight. I looked down at my still small baby bump. I felt tears falling down my face. The dream seemed so real. I slowly whipped away the tears with the back of my hands. I felt sweat fall down my cheek. I still couldn't shake the feeling about the dream. I got out of bed and changed out of my sweater. I slipped on a orange V-neck shirt. I pulled my now messy hair into a high pony tale while I looked in the mirror. I had streaks of make up running down my cheeks. I cleaned them up and went down stairs.

"Sarah!" I heard Maura yell as I came down the stairs.

"Hi mom!" I said hugging her.

"Oh you look amazing sweetie." Se said kissing my cheek.

"Thanks." I said trying to smile. We walked into the living room to find Niall sitting on the couch eating popcorn.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He said opening his arms for me.

"H-hi." I said taking a handful of popcorn.

"What's wrong Sarah?" Niall asked looking at me.

"I had a really bad dream. And I can't shake the feeling." I said.

"What was it about?" He asked. When I told him he seemed surprised.

"You know I won't leave you alone to have Autumn. I will be right there with you." He said kissing my forehead.

"I know. I still can't shake the feeling though." I said.

"It's ok now Sarah it was only a dream." He said handing me the bowel of popcorn.

Later that night Niall, Maura and I were all sitting in the kitchen talking when I got a sudden craving.

"Niall you know what would make me really happy right now?" I said smiling at him.

"What princess?" He asked.

"A container of moose tracks ice cream." I said.

"Sarah it's like 8:30 at night. You really want ice cream?" He asked.

"Yes I REALLY want ice cream." I said knowing this was the beginning of my cravings.

"Fine go get your jacket and shoes and we'll go get you ice cream." Niall said.

"Yay! Mom do you want anything?" I asked.

"No I'm good sweetie." She said. After I got my boots and jacket Niall and I headed towards the grocery store. When we got into the store there were only a few other shoppers.

"Come on to the ice cream!" I yelled pulling Niall behind me. When we reached the ice cream isle Niall grabbed me a small carton of moose tracks.

"There you go Sarah. Your first craving." Niall said as we walked up to the register. It was run by a 16 year old girl. When she saw Niall she gave him a big smile and me the death glare.

"Hey look at that." I said pointing to the cover where Niall and I were standing in the baby clothes store from a few days ago.

"Hey that's a good picture of us." He said.

"That'll be £4.35 please." She said. Niall pulled out his wallet and played.

"Thanks!" I said as we left. She just rolled her eyes at me as we walked out.

"So is this everything you wanted?" Niall asked as we drove back.

"Yes thanks for going out. It means a lot." I said kissing him.

"I guess I have I get used to this right? The random cravings." He said smiling.

"Yep. Just be glad it came at a normal hour and not at like 2 in the morning." I said.

"Amen to that." Niall said turning up the radio.

"You're insecure don't know what for...." I looked at Niall and we both started to hysterically laugh. I reached forward and turned the music all the way up. We both started to scream the words as we drove. It was weird sitting in a car singing my favorite song with my fiancé who also happened to be the original singer of the song. It still all felt like a fairy tale to me.

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