Elizabeth and Jackie

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When I got back from the store Brianna was sitting in the living room with a boy. They had books spread around them on the floor and they were laughing.

"Hello!" I called out walking in with my arms full.

"Oh here let me help you!" I heard the boy say as he got up and took the big bag of food from my arms.

"Thanks. Sorry to be rude but who are you?" I asked.

"Hi I'm Jake." He said shaking my hand. Jake was a few inches taller than me which was weird since I was 5 years older than him. He had light brown hair and brown eyes. He seemed like a nice boy.

"Hi I'm Sarah. Brianna's cousin." I said. I looked over at Brianna who was nervously twirling a strand of strawberry blonde hair around her finger. She looked at me with her blue eyes I could see she had worry in them.

"Brianna has told me a lot about you." Jake said.

"I can't say the same about you. Well nice meeting you. I'll leave you two be. If I hear any funny business your both dead. And I know why funny business sounds like so beware!" I said walking up the steps to Brianna's room.

"She seems cool." I heard Jake say before I closed the door. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from Brianna.

'Thanks for being cool! :)' it said and I just laughed to my self. I turned to see Harry was laying on Brianna's bed looking out the window.

"Hey puppy!" I said laying on the bed. As I pet him I could smell pot on him.

"You need a bath." I said under my breath. I looked under the sink in the kitchen and saw Anne had an old bottle of dog shampoo from her last dog Bart. I grabbed a few old towels and took them outside. I got the hose and called for Harry. He came running out of the house and sat down next to me looking at me. He had always loved getting baths outside.

"Stay boy." I said as I sprayed him down with the water. After I got shampoo all over him he started to run around the back yard.

"No Harry come here!" I said chasing after him with the hose. As I sprayed him with water he came and jumped on me. I took the opportunity to spray him with the water. Most of the water fell back onto me. When all the shampoo was finally washed off I got towels and dried him off. I looked up to see Brianna and Jake laughing at the back door.

"So that's how you give dog a bath?" Brianna said laughing.

"Yes it is." I said.

"Looks like you got a bath too." Jake said.

"Now we know she won't get flees!" Brianna said causing them both to laugh again.

"Just for that remark Harry and I get your bed tonigh!" I said.

"Oh hell no!" She said.

"Oh hell yes! Little miss sassy pants." I said.

"Whatever. Mom called and said she had to go into work of an emergency. She said to order take out. Can Jake stay?" Brianna asked.

"Whatever. If you order while I'm in the shower my debit card is in my wallet. Make sure you include a tip." I said walking into the house. I went to Brianna's room and grabbed my towel and shampoo and headed to the bathroom. After my shower I realized I forgot to get clothes.

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. I stuck my head out of the bathroom and saw Jake and Brianna watching tv. Of course Anne had to have the tv facing the bathroom.

"Jake cover your eyes!" I yelled from the door.

"They are covered!" Brianna yelled. I ran out of the bathroom and headed straight for Brianna's room. After I got dressed I headed down stairs just as the food came.

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