Going Home

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The next morning I woke to Anne shaking me.

"Wake up chickadee! You have to get moving!" She said. I slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"7:30. If you want to go out to breakfast and still make it home by tomorrow we have to get ready. Brianna is in the bathroom so you'll have to wait. I packed your bag last night and left and outfit for you on the desk." She said.

"You didn't have to do that." I said getting out of bed.

"Yes I did. I'm your aunt and I like taking care of you. Now get to stepping!" She said leaving the room. I stood up and looked at the outfit Anne had left for me. It was a simple t shirt and jeans with my vans. She knew me so well. I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed. My hair was all over the place and I had dry drool on my cheek. I tried to run a brush through my hair and gave up. I put my hair in a messy bun, and got dressed. I got my bag off the bed and walked out to my car. It was weird to think I was leaving again. This visit had been better than the last one. I hadn't heard from my parents. I wish I could just walk into their house and hug them both but I knew they hated me. I was brought out of my thoughts when Brianna and Anne came out of the house.

"I was thinking we should take different cars. It'll be easier for me just to leave after breakfast." I said trying to keep my chin from shaking.

"Yeah I guess that would be smart." Anne said. I could see a little bit of sadness in her eyes too.

"Can I go with you?" Brianna asked smiling at me.

"Yes of course." I said as we got in the car. As we drove Brianna talked about school and the play. I knew she was trying to avoid the fact that I was leaving in a little bit.

"So I was thinking next spring break you come see me. You know we can spend the whole week on the beach. Party with my friends. I'll pay for you to fly out and everything." I said looking at her as I pulled into the diner.

"That would be amazing!" Brianna said smiling.

After we ate breakfast we all looked like we were going to cry right there in the booth. I didn't want to leave them. This has been the happiest I had been in months. Niall was always gone, my friends were always busy, and my family was thousands of miles away. This trip had given me something that I thought I had lost.

"Well I guess I have to go." I said as we walked out to my car.

"Oh I wish you could stay chickadee." Anne said pulling me in for a hug.

"I know I wish I could too. I'm gonna miss you so much aunt Anne." I said I felt tears falling down my face. When we pulled away I saw a sobbing Brianna.

"Get your ass over here." I said opening my arms for her.

"I'm. Gonna. Miss. You. So. Much." She said in between sobs.

"I know. But just think time will fly before we see each other again." I said

"I just wish you could stay." She said looking up at me. I started to cry even harder.

"I have to go. I'll call you when I get home. I want you to send me a copy of your play too. I want to see how amazing you are. Promise me you'll take care of yourself." I said patting her back.

"I promise. Please come back. Don't go away for so long again." She said hugging me one last time. When I got in the car, and pulled out of my parking spot I watched them from my mirrors as I drove down the street. I watched them until they were gone over the horizon. I really wish I could stay with them. I wish I could come back more often.

When I got home on Sunday I didn't feel right. I felt like part of me was gone. I felt like I had lost it somewhere on the highway. I didn't feel whole anymore. While I was driving I thought about everything I was missing. Brianna and Elizabeth, my friends here, and Niall in London. I want my whole life just come together and be perfect. I walked into my empty apartment and dropped my bag on the floor. I needed a shower. I smelt weird from the club. The hotel I stayed in was gross and I didn't bother showering there. I grabbed my shampoo and everything and walked to the bathroom. I turned the water on and stripped. As I got in the shower I let all of my emotions come flooding out. I sat in the bottom of my shower and cried. I cried because I missed my family, because I missed Niall, and because I just felt so alone. I haven't felt this way in the longest time. I kept crying to the point where nothing was coming out anymore. I looked around the shower and saw my razor sitting on the edge of the tub. I didn't realize what I was doing until the blade was going across my skin. I made 3 small lines. I watched as the blood fell off my wrist and into the water. I started to sob. I didn't know what sounds I was making. I sat in the bottom of my shower until the bleeding stopped and my water was now cold. I stood up and took a cold shower. When I was done I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I didn't bother with putting anything away. I looked at my clock and saw it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. I didn't care I walked into my room and but on a pair of underwear and a baggy shirt. I crawled into my bed and fell asleep.

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