Lupin's Unknown Daughter

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  • Dedicated to Fred Weasly- You pretty much gave me the whole idea

     I sat in my room reading my book while counting down the hours until my birthday. Tomorrow was my birthday and I didn't want to waste it because it was almost my last day with my father. Him and I were really close since my mother died, I still think of her at night. After tomorrow I will be attending Hogwarts, where I will meet the famous Albus Dumbledore my father has told me so much about. Magic is one of the things I loved the most, my favorite is defense against the dark arts which my father teaches me. I've always loved the rain and my father never lets me go out In it because I could get sick. I want to continue reading my book, but I know that I'll regret to if I don't go downstairs to spend the remaining time left before leaving for Hogwarts with my dad.

    I close my book and proceed to roll out of my bed and make my way towards the stairs. I walk down stairs and straight into the living room to see my father sitting in a chair reading a book.

 "Dad, what are we doing today?" I ask.

"Well since you're leaving after tomorrow I've decided that it is completely up to you to do whatever you'd like. "

  "Really?" I gasp.

   "Yes," He chuckles. "Now go do what you'd like, Emily."

  "Thank you dad!" 

I run upstairs and got out my Hogwarts a History book and continue reading. I am very much like my father in many ways. My father is a werewolf and my mother was a vampire so I'm a were-vampire. At night my teeth are all sharp and and I turn into a Werewolf and I feed on blood but that's only on full moons.

   I got my Hogwarts letter three days ago which was not much of a surprise. My father told me he had three friends, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew during his time at Hogwarts. James and Peter have passed away years ago sadly; however, I meant them when I was just a baby and event spent sometime with Harry back then according to my father. I haven't seen Harry since I was 1 due to him now living with muggles. I look forward to seeing Harry at Hogwarts, I hope he's been okay considering everything he's been through.... Anyways, I really need to study because a boy I meant that goes to Hogwarts (George Weasley) told me you had to go through a test and you need to know lots of spells or else you won't get in. He also told me you could get hurt during the test, which makes me very scared. I've never done much wrong in my whole life, I get things very quickly. I believe this is because of how my father raised me. 

     When I was little my father used to put me on his lap and read me books everyday. I started to read 800 paged books at the age of two. I like to read muggle books as well out of curiosity of what their day to day lives are like. I also learned about You-know-who and to be honest, he's not scary at all! He's the evil equivalent to the muggle's Santa Clause since he only appears every so often and a limited number of people see him. All his death eater followers are just elf's in this metaphor and help him to achieve what he sets out to do. Also, considering that he couldn't even kill Harry, how much of a threat truly is he? 

     I look up at the clock see that hours have passed and  it's already 10 pm. I set my book down and walk to the bathroom. I quickly take my shower and slip into my pajamas. I slip into my bed and fall asleep. 


     I groan as I hear my door creak open. I turn over to see my father looking at me with a smile.

"Happy Birthday!", He cheers

"Thanks dad!" I  jump out of bed into a bear hug from him. "So we're still going to Diagon Ally, right?

"Well of course." He said with a smile. "But I don't think we can go if you're wearing that." I chuckled at his joke.

"That's too bad, I'll change then." I pushed my father out of my room and turned to my closet. 

     I picked out my black blouse and deep red skirt. I quickly brush my teeth and hair in order to look somewhat presentable. I rush down the stairs and meet my father by the door.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah of course I am." I grab his arm then a big force pushed me back and then we were in Diagon Ally.

"Go anywhere you want I'm going to look at animals." My father said and left towards the pet shop. 

I walk towards the one place I know that I can find some decent books that I have yet to read. As I stroll through the store a book titled The Dark Arts Spells and How to Save Yourself catches my eye.

"Would you like that Emily?" My father asks with a smile as he approaches me with a black and white owl. "This little fella his yours."

 "Really?" I reply with shock as he handed me the cage. 

I stare at the owl in the cage for sometime before I come back to realization that I'm standing in a busy store.

"So I can get this book?"

"Yes go ahead up there.", He said as he hands me money and points to the checkout.

"Hello dear, just this book? The woman asks.

  "Yes, please." I reply while handing her the book.

  "You like the Dark Arts I see." 

  "No, I just like the protecting part." I say with a small smile. 

That wasn't a complete lie. I do find the protection part fascinating, but I am truly interested in the dark arts. I understand why some spells and potions are titled as dark, but some I believe are somewhat necessary in certain situations. 

"Understandable, here you go." She said handing me the book.

I walk back over to my father and he sets back the book he was analyzing. 

"Where next, Emily?" He asks as we walk out of the store.

"Well, we could go to a place that has food." My father laughs and nods at my reply. 

I follow him down the street into a nice looking pub. We are quickly sat to my joy and I open up the menu. After much deliberation I decide on the cheeseburger with pumpkin juice and he goes for the steak and baked potato. Our arrives almost as quickly as we were sat. We both eat in silence due to how hungry we both were. Father pays the tab and we walk back outside to continue our shopping.

"I liked that place a lot!" I tell my father.

"That was my favorite place to go with James and Sirius." My father replies, clearly reminiscing. 

"Dad, when I go to Hogwarts will you be ok?" I ask in a serious tone.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be? He asks confused.

"Well, I'm your only child and your going to be all alone."

 "No I'm not." He chuckles. "I'm going to continue my regular day to day life once you're gone, maybe even get in a fight at the pub for some fun." 

     I laugh at him but the sad feeling of leaving him returns. 

"I'm going to miss you when I leave." I sigh.

"Well, I'll miss you too but I know that you'll have plenty of fun at Hogwarts."

"Well I got my magic with me so I'll be fine." 

He shakes his head at me. Despite him raising me to love learning, he still pushes for me to have fun in ways outside academics. 

"You know, you could always hang out with the Weasley kids." He reminds me. 

"Yeah but I never have really meant them." I groan.

"What about Harry, when he gets there he will need a friend." He says.

"I guess you're right. I'll see how Harry is."

"Hogwarts will be fun." He cheers and pats me on the back.

"I know... I just worry about my grades." He laughs at my concern.

"You'll get great grades, I know you will." He comforts. 

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