Different Me

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  I walked down the hall and saw my two new friends Fred and George, they were really nice to me, were like prank buddies.  They smiled as they saw me, I walked up to them to talk to them.

   "So Emily, we got a new plan for today.", George said putting his arm around me and pulling me in.

   "We "borrowed" some of Snape's potions and now we got something good.", Fred said.

   "And who is the once who's going to be the person were going o prank?', i asked.

   "Well, we though the whole school might be good.", George said.

   "Your out of you mind!", I siad.

   "No you are, we think we can but a little of beard potion in everyone drink.", Fred said.  

   "What about the teacher?", i asked.

    "Now your getting it!", George said.

    "Well, I am the smart one.",i said with a smirk.

   "What ever you say.", George out me into a headlock and messed up my hair.

   "Not my hair!", i said with a laugh.  He let go and laughed.

   "Emily, your hair is really messed up!", Fred said.

   "I know, and did it hurt when you fell from heaven?", I asked.


    "Because you face is really fucked up!", I said with a laugh.  George laughed and Fred glared.

    "You have the same face as me.", Fred said.

   "But I still think I am the better looking one.", George said. I couldn't argue with that.

   "Sure.", I siad. It was the weekend and Fred and George were more fun. They hanged out with me almost everyday which made ron mad. We walked outside and played around in the snow.

    "Snow man or snow ball fight?", i asked.

   "Well.......Get her!", Fred yelled. i screamed and ran and George grabbed me and put snow down my shirt.  I shivered and chased him

   "I'm going to get you Weasly!', I yelled. I chased him and threw a snow ball at his head.

    I threw a snowball at Fred too and then they chased me, not a good idea. We threw and stuffed snow at each other all day I though until dinner. I was laying on the ground making a snow angel. I smiled and saw George and Fred do the same.

   "I think mines a snow devil.", George said.

  "Like you?', i said with a laugh.

   "And you?", George said with a smirk.

   "Maybe all of us?", Fred said. I threw a snowball at him and laughed.

   "You know we need a seeker on the team for Gryiffindor, you seem like you could do the job.", George said.

   "No, I couldn't.", I said.

   "Aw, some on Em's, you can your really quick!", Fred said.

   "I'll think about it ok?", I asked.  They smiled and I got up and threw a snowball at George and ran. They chased me until Fred tackled me. I laughed.

   "And I'm quick?', I siad.

   "Only a little.", Fred said. 

   "Only a little?", i asked.

   "Well......", i threw another big snow ball at them and ran as fast as I could. They chased my but couldn't get me.

   "I think it's dinner.", I said comming to a stop.

  "I guess we have to go then.", George said. I put my arms around their shoulders and they lifted me up. I felt like I was floating, George smiled and once we were at the Great Hall I jumped off their shoulders.

   "Let's go eat up!", Fred siad. We sat down across from Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

   "Hope we have a good meal today like always.", Fred said.

    "A good meal to you is 10 pounds of pudding.", I said with a laugh.

   "True but you forgot cake.", Fred said. I laughed at him.  We waited until Dumbledore got up to speak.

   "What a great year so far? I see many of you are having much fun and learning fast. Enjoy the food.", Dumbledore finished and the food was there. I grabbed some food and ate. Fred and me talked about Quiddich and I argued that I shouldn't be on the team. We talk about Halloween, it was in a few days so people are going home tomorrow.

     "Cake!", Fred yelled. The dessert was there and we ate. Fred stuffed him self with pudding and cake while I did the same.


   I don't write notes much do I? I hope you liked this chapter, it took me forever to write something for this because of school. I have no idea what's next, if you have any ideas please tell me :) I was just happy to put Fred and George in there!

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