Wizard Love or Wizard Dule?

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    I walked down the hall to the common room. Fred, George, Harry, Seamus, Oliver (Sadly), Hermione, Ron, Dean, and me were all going to play a game of Truth and Dare. George got some truth potion from Snape's box of potions so everyone will answer truthfully. I really liked how George we getting more (Not really) of a brain.

    I walked in and I saw alomst everyone there waitting for everyone to arrive. Fred and George were next to Dean talking and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking to each other. I sat down next to Harry and he saw me and smiled.

    "Hey, so everyone's almost here.", He said and looked over at Hermione who was now reading one of her class books.

    "Oi! George, how many more people are there not here yet?", I called to him.

    "Er, about 1......4.......8, I think 2 or 3.", He said.

    "Seems like it, why don't we just start then, they can join in if the get here after we start. ", George thought for a moment and then nodded yes.

   "Oi, everyone get in a circle!", Fred yelled. Everyone started to sit in a circle and look at Fred and George.

    "Alright, now for thoughs of you who don't know what Truth and Dare is.....", George said.

   "A game where you are asked Truth or Dare. You pick one and then if it's truth you take this potion.", Everyone nodded and we began.

   "Alright, Harry let's start off with you...."

  "Truth or Dare.", Fred finished.

   "Er, I pick dare.", Harry said.

   "I dare you to walk around the room in your underwear.", Fred said.

   "Alright then.", He pulled down his pants and started to talk around. I started to crack up laughing and so did others.

   "Hahahah, you try it.", Harry said.

  "Ok, thank you Harry, now Emily, Truth or Dare?", George asked. I thought a moment and I knew I didn't want to do something like Harry did.

  "Truth.", George smiled at Fred and I knew something was up.

  "Ok, who do you like in this room.", My mind went blank. I don't really know who I like. He passed me the potion and I took it.

   "Ok so who do you like?", Harry asked.

  "Er, Geor-  Oliv-.", I covered my mouth.

"Come on Emily or...well, we'll have to tickle it out of you."

 "Oliver.", I yelled out. Everyone looked at me. My face went red and I ran out of the room. I don't like Oliver, why would I say that? I walked to the Great Hall once far enough away from the common room. Someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me round.

   "Hey Lupin.", Malfoy said. I glared at him and then spoke.

   "What do you want Mafloy?", I asked.

   "How about a wizard duel? Who's your second? Wait, do you even know what a Wizard Dule is?", I smiled a Malfoy. How could I not? I got into one when I was 4 against someone who was 20 something.

   "How could I not Malfoy? Harry's my second, what time then?", I asked.

   "Mindnight, meet me in the trophy room.", He walked away at that and I smirked. This was a bad thing but also good.

   "Your not going to really do it are you Emily?", I looked and saw Hermione.

   "Your joking right? Of course I am, I know twice the magic Malfoy does.", I said.

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