Caught in the Act

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     Hey!!!!!!! I'm so happy I was able to get this account back up. Just so you know, I've improved a bit in my writing to my joy! I'm a bit out of the Harry Potter world right now, so if I get anything wrong, please tell me down in the comments! Hope you like the chapter

      I grab at my hair completely stressed from the amount of homework we've been given for Sunday and Saturday. Harry and I have were told from Ron the Charlie is coming later tonight to pick up Norbert. He wants us to give Norbert to him on top of the Astronomy tower. The only problem is, were almost never allowed up there especially after curfew.

         "How do you think were going to do it." Harry thinks out loud stairing at the fire. I look up from my homework to give him a bored look.

          "Now really isn't the time to ask me this Harry." Harry seems to completely block me out.

         "With Draco knowing and everything, we could get caught." Harry dreamily says obviously tired of us having to wait till midnight to get Norbert on top of the Astronomy tower.  

           "Look, why don't I go get my robe and we can get going?" Harry gives a slight nod and I sneak up stairs. Instead of going for my rode I go for my cloak. I quietly race down stairs and throw the cloak over me and Harry and smile.

            "W-What is this?" I sigh and explain.

            "I got it from someone, now let's get going!" I hiss. We walk out of the common room and over to Hagrid's hut. We knock on his door lightly and he opens the door looking around until we remove the cloak.

           "Hey Hagrid." I whisper as we walk into his hut. I see Norbert on the table and Hagrid strokes him lightly. 

            "I hate puttin him in the cage, he migh' get all uncomfortable." Hagrid mutters as he puts the cage on top of the table and lightly putting him in the cage.

           "He'll be fine Hagrid, I promise." I say softly before picking up the cage and throwing the cloak over us and walking out. We walk back into the castle and walk in the dark. The tower takes awhile to get to because of Filtch and Mrs. Norris being at almost every corner. At one point they cornered us without knowing. I'm thankfully Norbert hasn''t set the cloak on fire yet.

          Charile should be up here any muinet." Harry mutter as we watch over the tower. In muinets we hear the sound of brooms in the sky. We look up to see Charile with a few other guys flying down to us.

           "Hi, I'm Emily and this is Harry." I say before handing the cage.

           "I can see, we'll take good care of Norbert here." Charlie cheerfully says to us. I nod and they fly off. I smile to Harry and he hugs me.

           "One of our problems gone, one more to solve." I mutter as we walk down the stairs of the tower.

            "Hagrid will be happy to know-" I'm cut off by a strict voice.

           "Miss Lupin and Mr Potter, you know your not allowed out of bed at this hour, especially at the tower." Professor McGonagall snaps at us. The smirked faced Draco stands beside her looking as smug as ever.

            "Malfoy." I hiss. He smirks at me and turns his gaze to Harry.

            "To my office you three." We walk after her. I glare at Draco every second he looks at me. Of course he would do something like this. We left the cloak up in the tower making me even more nervous of someone finding it.

             "Being out of bed after hours, 150 points will be taken from each of you for your actions, and all three of you will have detention." My frown suddenly turn into a smirk.

       "Excuse me Professor, but you said all three of us, don't you mean two?" Draco asks nervously.

         "No Mr Malfoy, you were also out of bed after hours, so you will be receiving detention too." Draco glares at us before stomping out of the room. Me and Harry leave together walking back to the common room.


      "If it were me deciding your punishments I would hand all of you by your toes." Flich grunts as we walk to Hagrids hut. "Of course Dumbledore says it's not allowed." He knocks on Hagrids door as we wait for him to open it.

        We're lucky it's with Hagrid. I'm happy we got Norbert gone before McGonagall go all the way up the stairs.

        "Tonight you will be going into the forest with Hagrid." Flich explain as Hagrid opens the door.

       "What, there's Werewolfs in there!" Draco almost screams.

       "Well, you better hope none of them get to you." Flich snaps before walking off.

      "My father will hear about what Dumbledore's making us do, I could die for all we know!" I roll my eyes at Draco as we walk into the dark forest.

     "We're lookin for Unicorns, one's been hurt by the look of it." Hagris says looking at what seems to be the Unicorns blood.

      "How are we going to find it?" Harry asks slightly unsure of what's going to happen.

      "Well, we're goin  to take our separate ways, Draco and Emily, Harry and I." Hagrid smoothly says walking in the other direction for us but not to fast before Draco can ask something.

        "If we go alone I get Fang!" The droopy faced dog whimpers at Hagris who just rolls his eyes.

        "Go 'head, he's a bloody coward." Hargid grumbles leaving Fang, Draco and I.

       "We better get going." I mummer to Draco walking farther into the forest with Fang by my side.

       "By morning I'll have an owl sent to my father and that bloody oaf will be gone." Draco growls angerly as we make our way further.

       "Shut it Malfoy, he's better then your self." I snap before seeing the terror written across Draco face. I follow his gaze seeing a figure in a dark cloak hovering over the Unicorn that must have been injured in the first place.

         "Dra-" Before I can finish Draco runs off with Fang behind him. I turn to the sickening ficure who sees me and swoops up like a dementor. The only thing that confuses me is it's not a dementor, it's a human.

             I hear a thump of hooves behind me and I notice what it is the second I see him. Centaur. I watch as the black figure disappears. I turn to him and I breath hardly from what just happened.

           "Emily Lupin, you shouldn't be here." He worriedly grumbles. I stand up from the large tree I fell into.

             "I-I'm sorry." I mummer to him.

            "Emily Lupin, don't be we must get you out." He whispers. "Get on my back." He lays down for me to climb on and I do. We stumble down the trail back to where we find Hargid with Harry and Draco.

       "Emily!" Harry yells as I jump off the centaur's back. He runs off and I'm pulled into Hagrid's arms.

          "I-I 'uoght you were dead." Hagrid weakly mumbles.

      We walk back to the castle silently. What happen is between us and probably Dumbledore too. All I can think of is if that was Voldemort. Where would he had gone other then here.

             Please comment and vote!!!!! Hope you liked this chapter!!!


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