Note To People Reading This

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  Hey, I'm the person writing this, well, I don't get any comments or much on here so I might not let this be up anymore. I have a lot of reads and everything, it's just that I don't think it's enough when only 1 person likes it.

   If I get like 3 comments or just a few people write on my Page to keep it up I will. I'm going to give it like a week or more. I'll still post chapters while this but I just want to know if you like it or not, I really need to get to Halloween on here and Christmas, as you can see it couldn't get to it in time.

   Ok here's a list of what I want to know:

       If you like this story,

      Why you like this story,

     Which character do you like the best,

    And if I should keep going all the way to the last book.

   I love you all that like this book, I really want to grow up to do this type of thing! And don't worry I just worry, I just really don't get why it's getting so many reads, and why some people like it. 

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