Letting Go and Joining

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  Hey, well I'm keeping the story up! Thank you guys and I'm doing this contest: Ok, so in the all the Harry Potter books which chapter does Ron and Harry have a fight and Ron leaves Harry and Hermione all alone. If you don't understand what I'm talking about send me a message.  Ok so if you tell me what the answer is first you will get a part in my story!


    I walked down the halls as I free women! Harry told me about how in class were learning how to fly a broom, and me and Harry are in the same class for this! When I said free women it means I'm not dating Draco the Git anymore, I saw him snogging Pansy! He payed the price trust me.

   My father "Moony" asked me how I was doing a few nights ago and I told him about how school was but not Draco. I really miss dad but I'll maybe see him a Christmas. I might stay for that with Ron and Harry. Christmas was a long time away, It wasn't even Halloween yet! Me and Harry have been talking about Quiddich, I've never played it before so I don't know much about. Me and Harry have a lot of things in common like that.

   I just wanted to get to my last class with Harry already. It was a long day for me, I just wanted to see people fall off there broomsticks. I feel bad for Nevile though, he can't ride a broomstick.

                                        ~~~~Dumbledore's office~~~~

      ( Dumbledore's Prov. )

      "So what do you think I should do with Emily then if she's in such danger?", Remus shouted. It wasn't like him to be this way but I knew it was because of his daughter Emily.

     "I think you should do what is best, don't ask for another opinion because it's your's that really counts.", He seemed to think it over.

     "So, if Emily is a full Werewolf now how can she control herself?", I studied his expression for a moment.

      "Well, only every 1,000 years one girl who is a Were-Vampire, as you two put it, will either turn full Vampire or Werewolf. If a Werewolf had also have magic in your blood you turn to the most powerful Witch and Werewolf in the world.", He didn't seem to understand what I meant. I felt bad for him in so many ways.

      "But, how is she in danger then? She won't have to worry.", I shook my head at him and stood up.

     "Voldemort, will be after her. He doesn't want someone more powerful then him. The night when Harry's parents died, Voldemort had it wrong it wasn't a boy it was a girl, it was Emily.

     "Does You-Know-Who, know this?", I saw how worried he was.

     "Yes, he want's Emily, and he's back Remus. The best place for her now is to stay here but if you choose to take her away then I understand.", Remus knew what to do, I just hated to make him let her stay here.

     "She should stay here. It's the best place for her now. I trust you Albus, please don't let Emily get hurt.", I saw how much it hurt him to let her stay here.

     "I promise I will keep her safe Remus. Would you like an Acid Pop before you leave?", I did like Acid Pops, I could never resist one.

      "No thank you Albus, I shall be leaving now. I would think it's best not to tell Emily I've been here.", He left the room and I grabbed myself Acid Pop.

                             ~~~~Close to the Quiddich Field~~~~~~

        (Back to Emily)

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