Bad Day

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    I poked at my food at the Great Hall, there was something wrong I just knew it. No one else seemed to feel it like I did. It's Christmas break and all I can think about is the Phlospiphers stone. Was it what the dog was guarding? Who really knew anyway.

    The reason it's been on my mind is because Hagrid let it slip when we were at his hunt Monday night. I got it out of him by asking him confusing questions, that obviously made him answer with what we needed. He kicked us out after he said something about, Nickolas Flamle.

    Me and Hermione were serching for Nicolas in the library yesterday before she left for the holidays. I choose to stay to look through more of the books. Harry and Ron stayed too, it's not like Harry had a choice.

    There's also been one more think that's been bothering me too, Dumbledore's guilty face every time I look at him, but also my father hasn't been writing to me. It's probably nothing..... possibly it could be something I did.

     Oliver, was also gone over Christmas break, he asked me if I wanted to stay with him, it was hard to say no. The whole Weasley family was staying because Mr and Mrs Weasley were going up to see one of Ron's brothers in Romania.

     Fred and George have been as funny as ever, but everything did really seem off. I should just ignor it until the feeling goes away. Sadly, Snape has asked that everyone who is here in his class to report to his office after breakfest.

    Harry and Ron were watching me carefully, they seemed to know something was going on.

   "Flu?", Ron whispered to Harry.

  "Possibly", Harry whispered back. They were so stupid, but funny.

  "Sat on by Hagrid?", Ron said sort of laughing. There was a sclience and we all burted out laughing.

   "What ever, but I was never sat on by Hagrid, that's a suicide attempt", They laughed ever harder at that.

   "We have to get to Snape's office", I sighed. "He might bite us if we're late".

    We got up and walked to Snape's office. It didn't take very long, I saw others walking there too. I knocked on the door to his office. It took a few minuets for Snape's brain to adjust to the sound of the knock. 

   "Come in", He said ever so lightly. "Sit."

   "Look at the idont", Ron muttered.

  "Who ever considers them self an idiot please stand", Ron face was shocked. I', sure Snape didn't hear Ron though. After a silence I stood up with a smirk on my face.

   "Why do you consider yourself an idiot?", Snape asked.

  "I don't, I just hate to see you stand there all alone", The room went hallowing with laughter.

   "Miss. Lupin-", Dumbledore came in and cut him off.

   "Laughter of children, how nice," I smiled at Dumbledore. "Severus, why do you have them held in here?"

   "No reason, dismissed-"

  "Miss. Lupin", Could you stay a moment?", Dumbledore asked. I felt a urge to run before I could answer his question. Should I? Yea, I should. I took off sprinting out of the area. I ended up outside in the cold air.

  "Emily, get her!", George and Fred started chucking snow balls at me. I let out a squeal, luckily I was wearing jeans and a jacket.

   "You weirdos!", I laughed and colapsed on the ground. I saw them laugh and run over to me.

   "It snowed", Said Fred.

  "And that only means one thing", I saw George's smirk.

  "SNOWBALL FIGHT!", I screamed. I ran over to a big pile of snow and chucked snowballs at them.

   "STOP THIS INSTANCE!", I noticed it was Mcgonagall.

  "Professor-", George cut me off.

  "Professor, it wasn't Emily's fault, we didn't see you", George said quickly.

  "It's alright", Mcgonagall sighed and left. I saw Malfoy walking.

  "I'll be right back", I whispered to Fred and George. I walked up not ever looking at Draco. I saw him have a weird confused look on his face.

   "Ow!", I snailed straight into him.

  "IT'S A GHOST!", I screamed and ran away and jumped over a hill of snow.

  "Lupin", Draco growled and stalked off.

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