Oliver Right?

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  I walked down the hall with Ron and Harry and waved goodbye to them while I walked off to the Quidditch pitch. I didn't really feel like meeting Oliver, for the fact that I said I liked him, I wounder if he took it seriously.

  My father sent me a few owls asking how I was doing, I didn't reply because I really didn't know. All I really wanted to do right now was do some pranks with George. Then it hit me, I remembered the day we kissed, that day was the first day I every really got in trouble.

  I made my way down to Wood still thinking and he could see that. I didn't really even know he was there, I walked up and he jumped out.

 "What the blood hell, Oliver did you really have to do that?", He laughed at me.

 "Alright, let's get serious. Ok I wanted to see how fast you are. Run a mile for me, I'll time you", I glared at him and he smiled," I'm the captain now run."

  I ran off, I would have to run around this field twice for it to be a mile. Why would he ask me to run? I was only wearing a low tank top and shorty shorts when I came out here. I really don't think that's good for running. I wasn't used to running for the fact that we don't do stuff like that here.

  I finally finished my last lap and held my breath so it look like it wasn't much for me. He smiled and then looked at me.

 "Oh, hey well I wasn't paying attention so I guess you'll have to do it again", I knew if I said no I would seem weak.

 "Alright", I ran off faster this time which was a bad thing because this made me really tired but I didn't stop. I could see him watching me this time closely, he didn't see me looking at him and I saw him smirk. Then I saw George come out to see Oliver.

  They started to talk and then Oliver pointed at me. George raised his eyebrow and started to watch me just like Wood. Then I saw Oliver put up this hand to tell me to do 2 more laps. I cursed under my breath and ran faster. George smiled at me as I passed them .

  "When do I stop?", I asked.

 "Just one More.", I groaned. It felt like I've been around it like 100 times. Why did they want me to run, I didn't find it very fun. I stopped once I was finished and did breath hard so it looked like I was tired.

 "That was fast.", George said.

 "No duh.", I gasped. Oliver smiled at me and George laughed.

 "Your really tired.", Oliver said.

 "Awww, Emily come here.", George said. I was bent over tyring to catch my breath and Wood pushed me forward into George's arms.

 "You don't have very good balance when your tired. We need to fix that.", I shook my head no. I knew he was going to say laps.

 "Mate, she's shaking. She really hates running.", George said. I noticed that he was holding me up.

 "Well, class is about to start in a few- no we have like 15 minuets. Why don't you run just one more lap?", What was he trying to do kill me.

 "Why am I only running lap?", I asked. George was still holding my weight so I wouldn't fall.

 "It's good for you. That's what I did for practice.", Oliver said. George let go of me and I jogged around. I could barely feel my legs from all the running. I came to a stop and the fell to my knees.

 "Well, we need to get back to the common room to change into our robes. Are you going to get up Emily?", He asked.

 "Can one of you carry me?", I asked. George laughed and Oliver picked me up.

  "Better?", He asked. I smiled and then slapped myself out of it,. WHAT AM I DOING!!!!! I DON'T LIKE HIM!!! EMILY, STOP IT, CONTROL YOURSELF! I looked in his eyes and then he leaned forward, I did too. I really didn't know what was going on, it was so fast. Our lips meant and then George pushed passed Oliver and walked faster to the castle.

  "George, wait!", I jumped out of Oliver's arms but then saw my legs hurt so bad that I couldn't run after him. George entered the doors and didn't turn back, I couldn't believe I just did that.

  "Emily, are you ok?", Oliver asked picking me back up. I couldn't speak then anger took over me, why should I care what George thinks? BIG DEAL! I shouldn't care, he can go make out with Pansy for all I care.

  "Yea, I'm fine. Sorry, about that", He smiled for a moment and then kissed me again more passionate and turned in cycles.

  "Go out with me.", He whispered.

  "Yes", He carried me back to the common room and put me down on the chair.

  "Do you think you can make it upstairs?", He asked.

 "No duh, see you later.", He kissed me on the cheek and went up to the dormitories. I got up and walked up the stairs to get dressed to get to class. I t took while for the fact that I was in pain.


  I GOT A JAR OF DIRT AND YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What now!!!!! Wow, anyway I know I''m the WORST! I can't post much, I'm sorry :( I have so many stories and I have to write and stuff.......... Anyway, I swear the Troll chapters comming next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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