Detention is Better Then I thought

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    I walked down the hall with Fred and George laughing about the prank we pulled on Snape today. I don't think we got caught so were good. George and Fred seemed nervous and then saw me and ran over to me.

  "Emily, you have to hide! Snape's trying to find us to give us detention! Dubledore's new rule for teachers is that if it didn't happen in class don't say anything about it during class.", George said. I was scared to death. My father would kill me if I g-g-g-got d-d-d-detention.

   "W-What are we going to do then?", I asked. We couldn't just run away for ever!

   "We could just avoid him and if he get's us say no to ever thing.", Fred said.

   " Are you sure that can work? I mean we can't just do that for ever!", I almost yelled. I think I can just not tell my father.

   "If we get detention it will be alright Emily.", George said and then hugged me.

   "I know, well I better be off then, bye!", I left to the library to study for my test in DADA which I already studied for. I couldn't do anything thinking about Snape catching me or them, I couldn't risk getting caught.  I hate rules I always have! I don't even wan't to study!

   "Do you need a book or not!", Yelled the library person.

   "No.", I said and walked out and left to the common room. I didn't care if I caught do I?

  "Miss.Lupin, come here please.", I almost jumped and then I saw it was Snape.

  "I can't right now professor I have to be off to the common room.", I said and began to leave.

  "I think you can spare a minute.", He said and I wanted to run. I walked over to him as if I didn't know what he wanted.

  "My  office is ruined. Do you know who did it?", I looked into his eyes and shook my head no.

  "Professor, how would I know anyway?", I really didn't care about detention now.

  "You've been hanging around with the Weasly twins and it seem's your a little different."

  "I only help them with their homework Professor nothing more.", I was happy that it was a lie.

  "Alright then, be on with what you were doing then but first I would like to tell you what Mr. Weasly said.", I was dead now.

  "George Weasly said that you were his girlfriend and that you and him were with Fred playing Quiddich that day.", He raised his eyebrows.

   "I am his girlfriend but I help him with his homework too."

  "You said you were nothing more then a helper to them."

  "Well, I-I meant that by school related."

  "You and the twins will have detention tonight in my office 10:00.", He said ans left.

  "Damn it.", I muttered and left to find Fred and George. I found them in the common room and I walked over and slapped George.

  "Really! She's my girlfriend and Fred and us were playing Quiddich that night! Your not that stupid are you!", I yelled at him.

  "What did you say?", Fred asked.

  "I said I help you guys with your homework!", I yelled and then George pulled me down to sit by him.

  "What you say when he asked for an answer about our two different stories?", I went red and tried to get up to leave but he held me there by my waist.

  "I said I was your girlfriend but I help you with your homework too.", I muttered. I was looking down now and I could tell he was smiling. He but a fingure under my chin and lifted it up and kissed me.

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