The Dragon

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   I spent days away from everyone, not eating, not going to class. I couldn't believe I'm Harry Potter's sister, and all this time I thought I was Remus Lupin's daughter. My whole life was a total blinding lie. I just wanted to be gone, just for awhile.

   I've been hiding in the old classroom I found days ago. I stare into the mirror with nothing but a painful expression. ....Lily and James Potter, who would have thought? I don't look like any of them. As questions run through my head I hear a noise.

   "Emily, I see your found the Mirror of Erised," I turned to see Dumbledore. "Did you find out it's secret?"

   I stare him and finally answer. "It shows you something someone lied to you about...." I trailed off in thought.

    "No, it shows what you most desire." Dumbledore said watching me.

    "Wait, so I desire Harry Potter's parents?" I questioned. Why would I want Harry Potter's parents?

    "No, you desire the truth." I bit my lip to try to stop the tears from coming from my eyes. For one moment I thought I was wrong.

    "So, James and Lily......"

    "Were your parents." He finished.

   "Why was I never told this?" I turned to look at him.

   "We all thought it was best you were separated from Harry. Also that you shouldn't be told." I then noticed something that makes it untrue that I'm a James and Lily's daughter.

    "But I'm half werewolf and Vampire." I pressed at him.

    'That's because your father clawed you at the same time a Vampire bit you." He said. How was that even possible. Maybe we were in Romania or something.

    "The mirrors being removed tomorrow." He said and pressed his lips together.

    "No, you can't." I whispered.

    "People have gone crazy from staring at this mirror, Emily." He said. I thought for a moment. What does he see in here? 

    "What do you see?" I asked.

   "Socks." I laughed at the thought. Socks, really?

   "Why?" I laughed.

   "I ask every year for socks, but every year I get books." He said. I laugh at him. He looks to wise to only want socks.

   "The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and only see him self," Dumbledore says. "Just the way he is.

   "I see what you mean." I say and stand up.

  "I think it's best you get some sleep before morning comes along." I nodded and ran out of the room with my invisibility cloak.


   I wake up to the sun in my eyes. I groan and turn over, why was everything so bright? I went over the things that happened last night. The truth was told, Dumbledore wants socks, and the mirror is being removed.Why is everything in my life have to be so complicated?

   I sit up and notice Hermione's just getting out of bed too. I see her look over at my bed then her eyes go big.

   "Emily, your back!" She whispered. She ran up and hugged me.

   "I'm sorry about leaving for quite some time." I say. She then turns her voice to a scold.

   "Why would you do that to me?"She hissed.

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