Forgiving and Quidditch

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    What's up Little Voldy Moldys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got an editor, Upissmeoff...... you should fan her! She is based off Rose in one of my stories, and may have a character in this book ;) WARNING: THIS MAY BE LONG!!! Also...................... COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!! This chapter has parts


     I sat down-stairs in the common room, watching the fire. My first Quidditch match is right after breakfast. I wasn't able to sleep because of my stupid dream. My Quidditch team was playing against Slytherin, and all of a sudden the Slytherin Seeker knocks me off of my broom and laughs at me.  He caught the snitch and I fell to my death.

    I was worried that would happen and I considered putting padding on the floor of the Quidditch field. I thought that over and asked Mcgonagall but she said it would be cheating and it was against the rules, stupid professor.

   Now all I could do was think of what could happen. Either I kill the Slytherin Seeker, or freak out the rest of the day. I'm not scared of the Slytherin Seeker, who I am now calling Bobby, I'm only scared of what he could do to me, stupid Bobby.

    I flinched as I heard as I heard footsteps. I hid under the cushions of the couch like a NINJA.  All of the sudden someone sat on me. "MOVE!", I yelled. Who ever it was I gave a real fright.

  "Emily", I noticed it was George and he got off of me. "Hey, I thought you were Percy!", He rolled his eyes at me. Why was he so mad? What did I do to him to make him so mad?

    "Why are you so mad at me?", I questioned. He looked surprised by this. "I think you already know why", He hissed. Tears began to fill up in my eyes. 

   "I DON'T KNOW, PLEASE JUST TELL ME!", I yelled. I sat down and started to sob.  I missed how me and him used to play around. He sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug.

   "I'm sorry, I really am", He said in a soft voice. "Why are you so mad?", I asked.  "It's no big deal, I promise". I nodded and wrested my head on his shoulder. I started to fall asleep. It was around 3 maybe and I was REALLY TIRED. Soon in the mourning I woke up next to George. I looked to see if anyone was there, to my sake no one was.

   If Oliver found out he would be pissed. I then noticed that George's arms were locked around me. "George, wake up", I said lightly. He muttered something in his sleep. "George!", I pocked him in the face. A few seconds later he woke up.  

   "Hum, what?", I smiled and moved the hair out of his face.

   "You need to get up before Oliver see's us", He then threw himself up, it seemed to wake him up more. "Er, sorry.......", he was now turning red! I smiled at me and sat up.

   "Well, at least your not mad anymore", I said and laughed. Then I noticed that I was only wearing my bra and underwear now, he was only wearing his boxers. He noticed too with wide eyes, I grabbed my bath robe and slipped it on and grabbed my clothes which were half way across the floor.

  I was as scared as hell, what if someone saw us and I didn't know? "George what happened -", I was cut off by the horror on George's face looking in a different direction.

  "Emily, what did you and George do.....", I noticed it was Fred. "Nothing, just forget it", I ran up stairs to get dressed. Once I was finished I walked down back to the common room and saw them arguing. "Emily, come sit down", Fred said I patted a space between them. 

  'Nothing happened!", I hissed. I refused to discuss what happened any further, it was nothing. I walked out of the common room to the Great Hall. I was outraged at what happened, I didn't know what to think but nothing happened.

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