Avada Kedavra Sadly

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  I looked out my window thinking about how detention felt. We had to go into the forest with Hagrid to find a plat, how boring! I was happy I had Fred and George's company though, they made it fun.  Every time Hagrid was looking around not looking at them I would yell "I found the plat!" and run away. This soon pissed Hagrid off and then he yelled at us "No yell'n if it's not reall there!".

  We did something else, we would yell "Snape" and then scream and run away. Once he though we were saying Snake and he screamed like a little girl. We lasted through the night and we weren't even scared, plan failed Snape! I was in a scared mood today, every time Professor Mcgonagall called on me I almost screamed.

  Once I almost cursed someone with the dark arts, it really scares me to think I would (I would mind if it was Malfoy....) My time of month was today and I had to go out tonight and Dumbledore was going to help me out with this. I felt as if I was going to kick and scream right now but I resisted it.

   It was around 3:00 and I was down in the common room hidden behind my chair watching the night go by. I was going to turn at four but I felt like dieing so I stayed here. I heard a creak noise and then feet running across he floor, I froze and then the chair turned around.

  "Avada Kedavra!", I yelled. Their was a scream and I saw it was a House Elf who I had killed. I stood there shocked and then knew I had to get out of here before I get caught. I ran out from the common room and into the night. I sat on the grass waiting for Dumbledore and rethinking what I have done.

 I really did just kill a person, but more of a animal , could I be sent to Askaban? That was the thing I feard the most, Askaban what should I do now hide, run away fom it all. My tthoughts just got worse by the minute and then I saw the Dumbledore was watching me now.

  "Emily, you know you are part Vampire and Werewolf but I must tell you this. You will turn fully Werewolf tonight, I must not be near you when that happens, the pain will be 100 times worse you it may hurt a little.", Dumbledore said.

 "I don't care lets just-", I screamed in pain and I knew what Dumbledore meant. I closed my eyes and then a secound later a werewolf.

 "You can control yourself You don't look like your fathers wolf, your more pretty, more fur.", I looked and saw I didn't I was more strong and saw that I looked like one of the regular wolfs but way bigger.

 I watched him for a moment and then turned and walked away into the forest. I was bored so I just watched the deer run by. I saw a unicorn followed by something dark, it seemed like a person.  I folled and saw the unicorn dead and the person was sucking it. I almost threw up, I saw that it heard me and the person or what ever it was get up.

  I was scrared but I didn't run away, I just stayed there and saw I was growling now. It seemed like I was next it came closer and then I snapped at it. The thing backed away and saw gone. I looked around and knew it was gone. I didn't like what I just saw but I didn't want to get involved but I am now.  I walked deeper into the night of the forest and lied on the ground, and waited for something for me to do.

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