Hogwarts and Being Sorted!

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        We approach a huge castle in the distance that is clearly Hogwarts.

"Well we're really close we better get into my robe.", Hermione said with a sigh and pulls out her robe.

"So have you read Hogwarts A History?", I ask as she fits her robe on.

"Yes, it a great book."

"I agree I love, it the writer is amazing."

"What do you think were going to do to get sorted into a house?"

"Fight a troll is what I heard." I say as I remember what George Weasley said to me.

"I heard that too." Hermione says with a worried tone.

"So do you know any spells?" I ask.

"Yep a few, but not too powerful, how about you?"

"I rather not say." I mumble.

"That's rubbish, I don't care tell me." Hermione baggers. 

"Well a lot of spell I know are Defense Against the Dark Arts." I admit to her leaving out the bit about the dark arts.

"Why wouldn't you not want to tell me that?" Hermione giggles.

"Well a lot of people don't like anything to do with that." 

"Yes but that has to do with You-Know-Who." Hermione says.

     The train finally comes to a stop and everyone begins to rush out of the train. Once Hermione and I finally manage to get out we see a very tall burly man. 

"All fis't ye's here!" Yelled the man.

"I think we go over to him." I said to Hermione while leading us over.

"I think your right." Hermione said with a nervous smile. 

     The tall man then motions us to follow him. He leads us to what I believe is the Black Lake.

"Names Hagrid, now three in each boat." Hagrid said. 

     Me and Hermione sat in a boat and another girl joined us. We sit in silence until the girl speaks up.

"Hi my names Susan Bones." Susan said and reached her hand out for both of us to shake.

"Hi i'm Emily and this is Hermione." I said with a smile. 

     We started to get farther towards Hogwarts. Once the boats hit the shore in front of the Hogwarts we all walked together towards the large castle. We enter through the large doors to meet a woman with a very pointy hat.

"Hello, I'm professor McGonagall." She announces as we gather in front of her. "Now follow me and get in line Longbottom." 

     I let out a small chuckle at the last name said. I turn to see a chubby like boy with pink cheeks. We stop at the entrance of the Great Hall and the doors open. I look up to see that everyone's attention is directed at us. I feel my face burning with embarrassment and nervousness. I turn my attention  back to Professor McGonagall.

"Now, when I call your name you will walk towards the front, take a seat before everyone where you will be sorted into the Hogwarts house that you will call home for the proceeding years to come." Professor McGonagall explains. 

She then turns away from us and walks towards the front. 

"This seems easy, I thought we had to fight a troll." Hermione whispers.

"Me too." I said back.

"Susan Bones." Professor McGonagall called. 

Susan began to walk up slowly. Whispers erupt throughout the room, I heard as some wager which house she will be sorted into. Susan took a seat and Professor McGonagall placed a pointy hat onto her head.

 "Hufflepuff!" The hat yells out.

 "What the hell is a Hufflepuff?" I ask Hermione.

 I'm really not sure but I've heard they're loyal."

As time passes more and more students are sorted. The cheers seem to be getting louder and louder with each announcement. 

"Hermione Granger!" Professor McGonagall called. 

Hermione gasps quietly and looks at me with wide eyes. She quickly gathers herself and makes her way to the front of the room. She takes a seat in the chair before her and Professor McGonagall places the hat on her head. After a few moments the silence is finally broken.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yells out.

"Oh great, she might be in my house." A boy with red hair and freckles groans behind me.

"Well if you didn't know she's very smart and I won't say it like that. You're lucky to possibly have her in your house. Now that I think about it you're more of a Slytherin!" I hiss and turn back around.

"Ron Weasley!" Professor McGonagall calls.

     The boy who I just yelled at begins to walk towards the chair and takes a seat. I guess he's George Weasley's brother. Makes sense honestly, they both seem to be assholes. 

"Gryffindor!" The hat announces.

"Draco Malfoy!" Professor McGonagall calls. 

     Just like all the others before him, Draco walks to the chair and takes a seat. 


"Harry Potter!"

     I watch as Harry passes me and walks down towards the chair slowly. He seems to be muttering something and the hat takes more time on him. 


"Emily Lupin!" 

     I once again feel a rush of nerves go through my body. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I make my way to the chair. I take a seat and look down at the floor to avoid making eye contract with everyone. I just want to be Gryffindor like my father, that's all I want. 

"Another Lupin? You have qualities of a Ravenclaw I see but you seem to have more qualities of a Gryffindor. Would you choose bravery over cleverness?" The hall mumbles.

 "Yes I would." I whisper back. 

"Well I see...Gryffindor!" The hat yelled. 

     Cheers erupt from what I presume is the Gryffindor section. I ran over and sat down next to Hermione.

"Hey we got the same house!" I cheer.

"Yes, I'm so happy!" Hermione replies and hugs me. 

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