Quiddich Practice

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    I walked out on to the field with Oliver, it was 20 minuets before practice and he wanted to show me everything. I wasn't happy about this because he was still on my bad side after last week. He seemed to know that so he kept trying to get on my good side.

    I let him talk to me without being kicked this week, it's a big step for me right now. As you can see I'm getting  more into my bad girl. I don't like it when people act like I'm a stupid little first year like Draco. Dumbledore talked to me about this and he said, "Your changing and your wolf has a lot to do with it Emily.", I didn't really like hearing that. 

    George and I just pulled a prank but Harry has told me about something were trying to figure out. He told me that Hagrid slipped something about a Philosopher's stone. I didn't really understand but now I'm trying to figure it out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

     Things were getting better but Malfoy told me and george are going out. I didn't really understand why anyone would think were dating because were not going to be together. Malfoy just needs help with his "issues".

    "Emily, come over here.", Oliver said with his accent.

    "Hey Wood.", I said. He noticed that I was still 100% mad at him.

    "You know I didn't mean to say "a first year" that was.", I just glared at him.

    "Just show me the Quiddich stuff.", I said.

   "Well, first I just want to see if you can really be a Seeker.", He took out some balls and smiled.

    "Aw, do we have top do that?", He nodded yes and I grabbed a Broom and kicked off the ground.

    "Ok, so just get as many as you.", He started throwing them up and I caught the first one and the next. It went on for a while like that until I fell off my broom. I was like 20 feet in the air. I screamed them something caught me. This is Nevile all over again wasn't it. Then I noticed that I wasn't hanging I was in someone's arms.

   "W-What?", I looked and saw it was Oliver.

    "Be careful love.", He said with a smirk.

    "Er, thanks for that.", I said. I could feel my cheeks getting red.

   "Are you ok?", He asked. I gave him a duh face and he laughed.

   "What!?!", I yelled.

   "Why are you mad, all I did was laugh!", He said. I could feel my face turning red. I noticed that he was still holding me.

    "You can put me down now.", I said.

    "Alright, so let's get on with our lesson.", I walked over to the box that held all the stuff in it.

     "Ok, so let's start.", I said sitting down next to it. He opened the box and took out one of the balls.

     "Ok this is the Qualffle, we try to score with this one.", He said.

     "Wow, that's great to know.", I said sarcastically.

    "Alright then, this is the Bludger. Our Beaters Fred and George hit this around and knock people off there brooms, you could say.", I smiled, I liked the idea of that.

   "I see you like that, I'm going to let this go so here.", He handed me a bat.

   "What's this for.", I asked.

   "You'll see.", He said and Bludger go.  I shot off and then started coming at me. I took my chance and hit it.

   "Why's you let it come at me!", I yelled.

   "I gave you a bat.", He said laughing.

   "Well, I didn't get hit so I guess I won't kill you.", Said with a smile.

   "Well, the last thing I need to show you is the Snitch. This is the only thing I want you to worry about.", I nodded my head. I understood what he meant by that.

    "So, has anyone died in Quiddich?", I asked. I didn't think that could happen, it just couldn't.

    "No, but the Seeker, which is you, get's hurt the most.", I knew nothing too bad would happen.

    "Alright, so is this everything?", I asked.

    "Yep, so practice is now.", Everyone started coming over. I smiled as I was Fred and George came over.

      "Hey Emily, we heard you made the team!", George said.

      "Yea, so you guys are?", I asked. I think they told me but I forgot.

      "The beaters.", Fred said. I smiled and turned to Oliver.

      "So what are we going to do mate?", George asked.

      "Well, I wan't to not let Emily be seen playing until the match. And I don't want anyone to tell anyone that she's playing.", Oliver said.

       "Why does it have to be a secret?", He gave me a duh look.

      "One, your short..."

     "I'm not that short!", I steeped on his foot and walked off.

     "Emily!", Oliver yelled after me.

      "She really doesn't like you does she?", George asked. Oliver shook his head.

    "Good luck mate, I'll go get her for you though.", Fred said and ran over to me.

    "Come on back Emily, I swear that Oliver won't bother you.", Fred said. I glared at him and shook my head no.

     "Alright then.", He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

     "What the heck! Put me down Fred!", I yelled.

     "Don't think so.", Fred said.

     "Fred, put me down now!", I yelled.

    "Thank you Fred.", Oliver said putting me down.

     "Look Emily, why don't you like me?", He asked.

     "One, Your stupid, 2 your annoying, and 3, your a total prat!", I snapped.

     "Emily, just listen to Wood and you might be able be friends Johnson said.

     "That's a 1% chance.", I said glaring at Wood.

     "I guess were on the same page then.", Oliver said through his teeth.

    "Come on guys.", George said.

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