Hoofdstuk 30 - Het intervieuw

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In het verhaal zegt Lilly 'Musicology'

Het klinkt heel vreemd maar ik had het op google translate opgezocht en het betekend Muziek Wetenschappen.

Maar google translate is niet altijd even goed, dus daarom zeg ik het ereven bij

Musicology = Muziek Wetenschappen


Lilly's POV

"Hello everyone, I'm Jack Walker and I'm here with One Direction!" roept de presentator. "Here are Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Lilly!" we zitten met z'n zessen in twee rijen, Niall, Harry en Liam zitten boven Zayn, Louis en mij.

We begroeten Jack en hij gaat verder. Hij lijkt ongeveer net zo oud als Louis, waarschijnlijk iets ouder.

"So, I'm here today with One Direction and Lilly de, de, how do you speak it?" vraagt hij.

"Lilly de Groot" zeg ik op z'n Nederlands.

"Lilly introduce yourself" gaat hij verder.

"Hello, I'm Lilly, I'm 18 years old, I do my final year on school and I'm from Amsterdam"

"Ahaa, you're from Holland, you speak very good English"

"Thanks, but on school I'm not really the best in English" ik herinner me wat Harry zei, geef alleen antwoord op wat ze vragen, zeg niets meer.

"Boys, how did you met her?"

"Well, when we did the AskOneDirection on twitter, Lilly told her story" begint Niall.

"Yeah, your storie, we talk about that later" zegt Jack tegen mij.

"I thought that it was really sad, I DM'd her and we talked and talked and talked and she was really cool and I wanted to met her in personal so me and the boys went to Holland and surprise her" gaat Niall verder.

"So you didn't knew her. She was just a random fan?"

"Yeah we didn't knew her. Niall said that she was really cool and that he wanted to meet her" zegt Zayn. Ik begin te blozen, het is heel vreemd dat ze zo over je praten als je er naast zit.

"Oke, so girls who watch this, dreams can come true, maybe you will be the new Lilly. Now, Lilly, tell us your story"

"It's not really special, my parents have busy jobs so they are never really home and on school people bullie me. But milions of other kids have the same problem so it's not special or something" vertel ik.

"I think that is the saddest thing, people who get bullied think it's normal" zegt Louis rustig.

"When we went with Lilly to her school, people trowed a rock at her car and the window was broken and the people from her school didn't do anything" vertelt Niall.

"The kids maked fun of Lil because we were with her" zegt Zayn.

"The people treathened her" sluit Harry af.

"But you didn't let that happen" zegt Jack achterdochtig. Op het scherm verschijnt een foto van Harry die boven op Max ligt. "Explain this"

"That boy is in the same class as Lilly and he said that after school he follow Lilly. I was really angry at him because he treathened her, but I'm not dangerous or something and he was stronger than me so I was very happy that Zayn, Liam en Lou stopped him" legt Harry uit.

"It was actually quite funny because Harry was really angry but that boy was much stronger and older than him so yeah" zegt Louis waardoor Harry lacht.

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