Chapter 27: Gwyn versus two big guys in suits! Who will win?

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Hun, you have made my week!!!!! I love you for that! :)


“Hey, you know where I can find the emperor?” I asked a stranger in the streets. She nodded and told me the way. “Thank you,” I said before running off, following her directions. I ran and found myself in front of the building in which he lived. I made my way as far as the front door- which was above a good number of stairs- before being stopped by some people.

“Why are you here?” One of them asked.

“I’m here to see, Rian!” I said with a smile.

“You shall refer to the emperor as Emperor Kobayashi or his highness,” the other ordered.

“Alright whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes while attempting to push my way past them.

“You shall respect the emperor! Do not say whatever! Say yes sir!” One of them said as they blocked my path. I grinded my teeth together out of annoyance and attempted a smile.

“Yes sirs,” I said through my mashed teeth. I say the emperor walking along the narrow ledge that surrounded his home. His eyes were closed and he was feeling his way along the wall. I smiled and started my way towards him. The ledge was large enough that I could put both feet on it, side by side, without a problem but that’s all I could fit on the ledge. “Ri--,” I started before two booming voices cut me off.

“Your highness! That’s not safe! Be careful!” The two guards shouted. Startled, the emperor opened his eyes and stumbled a bit. He shot the pair a glare.

“Didn’t I tell you guys not to scream at me before I got on this ledge?” he scolded. “I could have died you know! And then it would have been all your fault!” He scowled. Then he turned to me and gave me a broad smile, “Hello.”

“Hey, Rian!” I said so I could irritate the guards. “I think you should fire those two,” I said.

“No, please don’t!” they both begged.

“I don’t know, I’ll have to sleep on it,” Rian said while flicking his nose up. I chuckled at his action. “Now both of you get inside! I have all the protection I need at the moment,” he said sending a smirk towards me.

“What? This little girl?” One of the guards asked. I whipped my head towards him and shot him the harshest glare I could muster. Emperor Rian chuckled.

“I don’t think that was the wisest thing to say,” he laughed. I walked over to the guard slowly, taking slow strides while never tearing my eyes away from his. Once we were in front of the gigantic door I never got to go through I stopped.

“I am not a little girl, I’m pretty sure I’m more of a ‘man’ than you’ll ever be,” I spat. He narrowed his and smirked.

“Is that so?” he asked, that sly grin on his face. The emperor chuckled again.

“Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!” he chanted. I smirked.

“With pleasure,” I said before sending a tight fist to the man’s nose. His head, like most people’s, flew backwards due to the force. I brought up a leg to his ribs making sure it hit it hard but not hard enough to do some serious damage. Of course pain kept shooting through me due to my bruised ribs and broken wrist so with every move I made, a wince came with it. Of course I didn’t punch with my left hand, that’d just be stupid. While he was doubled over and holding his ribs, I spun on my left heel while I brought up my right leg and let my heel hit him in the face- right cheek. That’s when I decided I should stop hitting him. “I told you I’m not a little girl!” I chirped in a cheery voice. “And if you forget it, there’s more where that came from,” I growled. He only nodded weakly and I turned to the emperor who was cheering and clapping.

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