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After a few days of painful stomach aches and a few days off of school, I was back to health in a week. I knew I had just been on the brink of death and I knew I wouldn't be so lucky next time, I had to be more careful.

I walked into the school, pulling my coat off and putting it in my locker. It was getting colder as we entered the days of December. I was always fond of winter despite the cold, the feeling of being warm under a blanket was what made it fun. Hot chocolate to warm you up in the mornings with slippers was pure bliss for me.

I closed my locker and went to class. I went to the table with my three friends. "Hey guys," I said, taking a seat.

"Now that everyone is here, I have news. So I've been spying on the Executors with some others and we know they're going to have a Raid Night tonight," Tessa said.

"Raid Night?" I asked.

"Basically where they pick a certain place and at midnight, they go out and secretly try to kill as many people with the Bite there as possible," Liam answered. "Or it's them focusing on one species and wiping out that species' Bite."

"How do the people without the Bite not notice?" I replied.

"They're developing new technology, anything can happen, amiga," Ronnie said. "How many?"

"A dozen at the most. And they are most likely going to focus the fight on places with the most activity associated with the Bite," Tessa informed.

"So here," I concluded.

She nodded. "They'll be dropping the raid team off in the woods."

"We need to stop them," Liam said. "There's a pretty large amount of us living in this town."

We all agreed. "How though?" Tessa replied.

I thought for a moment. "I think I have a plan. Just meet me in the woods before ten o'clock."

"Maybe you should sit this one out," Liam said.

"What? No!"

"I mean, your mom is getting a bit worried. I mean, that's a closet full of weapons! She probably thinks a demon possessed you or something," Tessa agreed.

"Just let me in on this. I know what I'm doing. I'll just say I'm staying at Tessa's house. It's fine."

I dragged the box behind me as I walked to the woods, its wheels scraping the ground. I pulled it into the trail, humming quietly as I went to calm my nerves. My panther abilities allowed me to see into the night so I did not need to bring a flashlight.

I came to the meeting spot where they were all waiting. "Alright. Here's the plan," I said as I pulled out a piece of paper. "We're going to plant bombs in all of these places. And make sure they go around where we are, that way we're protected. Make sure not to put it in this area. Then, just scatter them around the circle. They'll have a faint circle that only people with supervision can see, not even their machines will be able to see them."

"They have guns, they can shoot us," Tessa protested.

"That's why our bombs need to be far away. Far enough so that they aren't in range for them to shoot. Okay?"

They all nodded and opened the box. "What's the wood and matches for?" Ronnie asked.

"Our distraction."

"A fire is our distraction? If there's a fire wouldn't they go away from there? They might think we're just some civilians camping out and they'd leave," Liam said.

"Not if we're screaming and showing off our abilities," I said, grabbing a shovel and digging a whole.

"True," he replied. "But won't these kill them?"

I sighed. "I tried to find the least harmful bombs in the closet and it was these. These have a lower chance of killing and will mostly just give them major injuries."

He nodded, leaving as I began putting some rocks around the pit.

After I set the wood up, I went to help them plant the bombs. It took about an hour and a half to get them all set up. I came back to the spot and checked the time, eleven forty-seven, it was almost time. I could feel my nervousness kick in. What if the plan didn't work? What if we all die?

I quickly shook all the thoughts of doubt out of my head. If I keep questioning myself, then this plan really wouldn't work. I quickly pulled out an iPad made specifically for the bombs. I watched the green dots blink across the screen, signaling the bombs were in place. A few more popped more onto the screen and my friends returned.

They all sat around the fire, waiting. "At 12:01, I'm going to light the fire and you guys can start screaming about how good you are, alright?" I said, setting the iPad down.

They nodded.

Once the time hit 12:00 I took a deep breath and poured the oil on the wood. I was careful not to splash any onto the grass or the fire would spread. I drenched inside the pile of woods and the outside and when I was done, it was a minute past twelve. I lit the match and threw it into the circle of rocks, stepping back as the pit burst into flames.

I sat and nodded to everyone, embracing the warmth for a moment.

"Did you guys know," Ronnie said loudly. "That with my superstrength from the Bite, I can do a flip now."

"Oh, yeah?" Liam challenged. "Well, I can do a back handspring!"

"Prove it!" Ronnie bellowed.

"Why don't you!" Liam yelled even louder.

"Fine! I will!"

Suddenly, we heard an explosion and we knew that we got their attention. I nodded at them to continue. But we heard more explosions getting louder and louder all around us. I stood, glancing at the iPad. At least a third of the bombs had been triggered.

We all stood in a circle around the fire, looking into the darkness. I could make out the small white circles of the Executors' flashlights. I heard screams as more explosions ran out.

The Executors were moving in fast, according to the iPad. The bombs nearer to us were going out fast like rapid fire. Just a few were left when the gunshots began. They were coming. Faster than lightning.

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