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I said bye to my mom and got off the car. I was immediately greeted by Ronnie and Tessa. I remembered how the first day of freshman year, Ronnie had pulled the chair out from under me as a prank. And Tessa, who had known Ronnie from middle school, slapped him because she felt bad for me. We've been friends ever since.

"Did you hear about Tim and Matt?" Ronnie said, slinging his arm over me.

I shook my head.

"Tim caught Matt with his girlfriend," Tessa said, shaking her head.

"Not surprised," I said. Those two boys had always been arch enemies and they both had the Bite. If they were going to use their animal side, they would need to go somewhere private.

"I smell a fight about to brew," Ronnie said, sniffing the air with a grin. "Vamanos! Let's go see the fight!"

"Ronnie, be serious," Tessa snapped. "It might get out of hand and we'll all be in trouble!"

"They wouldn't spill," I said. "They know the risks."

"I know that they know the risks, doesn't mean that they care about them," she said.

"True. But if they spill, it doesn't mean that anyone would believe them," Ronnie replied.

Tessa thought for a minute. "I guess."

Ronnie pulled us both towards the crowd. My height gave me the advantage to see over the heads. I watched as Tim punched Matt's jaw, making him stumble back. Looking at the other bruises on their faces, this wasn't the beginning of the fight.

They both ran at each other and began wrestling. I watched, catching the glow in their eyes. "We need to split them," I said, giving my stuff to Tess. "It's getting too risky."

I quickly pushed my way through the crowd as other people who I knew got the Bite also were fighting through to stop them. I was the first one to get to them. I quickly grabbed both their shoulders and pushed them apart. "Calm yourselves!" I ordered.

"Screw off!" Tim yelled, lunging at Matt. I quickly grabbed his arms, locking them behind him. Two other people were pinning Matt down.

The dean came pushing his way into the center. He pointed at Tim and Matt, "You two, into my office. Now! The rest of you, off to class!"

Tim pushed me off of him, giving me a death glare as he and Matt trudged behind the dean. The bell rang and I quickly went to my first period class with Tessa and Ronnie. I walked in and sat in my usual seat, pulling my stuff out.

Miss Howards came in and began talking, I zoned her out, scribbling on my notebook. Then I saw in the corner of my eye that everyone had turned around. Wondering what they were looking at, I also turned around to find the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life.

Dark brown hair- almost black- with tannish skin. Her straight long hair was left flowing against her shoulders and back. Her skin wasn't too tanned or very pale, somewhere in the middle- golden, it was golden. She was thin, making me wonder if she was eating well. Her long legs were curled under her chair, adding to her shyness in her new school. Since she was skinny, it gave her a sharp jawline. Her eyebrows were long and her lips were plush and red. I didn't think she was wearing any makeup. She was wearing leggings with a black shirt and a jean jacket.

Her dark eyes met mine, the light giving the skin right under her eyes, under her bottom eyelashes, a shiny luster. She smiled politely at me, creases forming around the edges of her mouth. Her smile was sweet, pretty, bright. I smiled back, wanting to stare at her face forever, but I turned around reluctantly.

I didn't pay attention to what my teacher said, all I could think about was the girl across from me. I tried to suppress a smile as I thought about that smile she gave me, but it broke out. Her eyes were beautiful. The color of her irises wasn't unique in anyway, but there was this fire in her eyes that made me like her even more. But what concerned me was that behind the fire, there was this sadness.

"...and Liam," Miss Howards said.

I looked up as everyone began moving their desks. "Liam!" Tessa snapped as she scooted over to the new girl. I quickly realized that we were doing group work and I scooted over. Thankfully, the girl didn't seem to notice my lack of attention.

Tessa introduced all of us and Ronnie gave his speech about the history of his name like he did to everyone he first met. Then he had the comment about white people which pissed me off a bit. But I did forgive him.

We finished the project and the class ended.


Ronnie and I went to the park because Tyler had invited us to play some ball. We were taking a break, sitting on the benches. They were talking about girls, as usual. I was just staring at some leaves that were floating around in the wind. Suddenly, someone said, "New girl" and I was listening.

"She's pretty though," Kyle said. "But she's Asian, not sure I want to go Asian."

"What's wrong with Asians?" Peter snapped, standing. "I'm Asian, do you have a problem with me?"

"That's not what I meant," Kyle said defensively, holding his hands up.

"Then what did you mean," Peter demanded, on the brink of punching him.

"Okay, guys!" Brett said, trying to calm them down. "But I'll give 20 bucks to anyone who can get into her pants."

"She'll be easy! She doesn't look like much," Jack said with a shrug. "I'll do it. She already knows my name."

That made me pissed. It made me mad. Beyond mad.

"Guys," Ronnie said. "Don't do that."

"What are you? A softie now?" Brett snapped. "Hey, Liam? You up for it?"

"Hey, Brett," I replied. "Why don't you go and find a brain for yourself? She's not someone you can just play around. She's not a toy."

Brett stared at him. "Dude, why are you getting so triggered? It's not like it's the first time we did this." He thought for a moment. "Unless you like her?"

"Would you stop this if I said I did?" I said.


I glared at him. "I'm warning you guys, if any of you trash bags even take a step near her, I will make sure you never see daylight again."

"What's wrong with you, man?" Jack said.

I turned to him. "I saw you talk to her during lunch. Your eyes were set on her even before the bet."

"I would do it with or without the money, problem? But I still want the money if I succeed," Jack admitted.

That made me ten times more furious. "Why don't you go mess with some other girl? There are plenty of others."

"She's the new girl, a fisher always wants fresh fish."

"You like fresh, huh?" I said. "How about I give you a fresh bruise?!"

We both jumped up, about to strangle the daylights out of each other. "What's your problem?!" Jack snapped.

"My problem is you," I answered coolly.

"You little-" he lunged at me but the others held him back.

"If you even take a step near her, I will crush your skull, you hear me?" I said as he pushed the others off him. 

Just a chapter for liam's point of view. :) Oh and if you guys get notifications of me publishing the same part over and over again, that's just me going back and making a few changes.

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