Chapter 11

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//12:56 pm//

I ran...

I just ran as fast as I possibly could down the opposite way of the hall. I don't care if my class is the other way but I wasn't talking to Cameron and in fact I'm never talking to him again.

I didn't cry, I just took a breath...

I came to the girls bathroom and just collapsed on the hard tile and put my head into the crook of my knees.

A thought came to mind as I sat on the floor of the girls bathroom room. I have counseling after this period with Cameron.


I got up and almost sprinted towards Ms. Burnes office.

"Ms.Burns!" I said barging in the room out of breath.
"Yes Ms.barrow is everything alright?"

"Unfortunately not... I think I'm gonna be needing a new counselor.."

"And why is that?"

"Oh no reason I just don't think things are going to work out, that's all.." I lied, but for good reasons because if I told her how I truly felt I would be stuck in counseling with cameron for the rest of the year.

"Well I have some good news for you, I've see much improvement in your behavior and I don't believe you will be in any need of partner counseling."

Those words felt like it lifted weight off my shoulders that I forgot was even there in the first place.

"Wow thank you Ms.Burns." I said as I walked out of the class room with my head down.
The bell just wrong meaning the halls flooded with people.


I heard somone call through the croud behind me. I expected to see Cameron but I was wrong.
"Jack?!" I said looking at him trying to squeeze his way through the crowd to get to me.
"Can we talk please.." He said as he finally reached me.
"Jack now isn't the time I have to go." I said turning my body away from him and walking in the opposite direction but he held my hand back so I couldn't go any further. "Listen I need to get this out while your here... I'm sorry... Ok I'm truly truly sorry for last night and I will do anything to make it up to you... Just please forgive me, And I.. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to I just want to be friends... Do you think we could try that?" He said nervously stuttering.

"I would love that..." I said smiling.

"Hey, um can you meet me in the courtyard after school... I just need to talk to someone.."

"Ya sure best friend" he said playfully pushing my shoulder.

"Thanks for making me laugh jack, but I gotta get to class I've already missed an entire period." I said with an eye roll but a smile on my face. He looked at me confused but didn't ask. We just simply walked opposite paths down the hall and I made my way to science.
I walked in and all eyes were on me considering the late bell just wrung. I heard whispers come from lisettes table and her other friends. I just sat in my usual seat in the middle of the room as the class began.
//3:14 pm//

Class ended and I made my way to the court yard to wait for jack.

"Yo fam!"

I yelled from behind the bench he sat at. We got up and walked through the parking lot heading home. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm walking home..." I said back. "Umm I have a car dumb ass now get in we're going shopping looser." I just started laughing at his reference to mean girls.

We drove for a short two minutes until we pulled up into my drive way.

"This way."

"Why do you sound like your sneaking into someone's house in one of those mystery movies from the 90s?" He said laughing at me as I headed through my back gate following behind me as I led the way. "Where are we going?"
"Just climb up the damn latter and you'll see stupid.."
I laughed under my breath as he struggled to get up making the latter shake. He finally made it up onto the roof of my house along with me and I just laid there on my back with my arms behind my head. I looked over to my right where he was and he was in the same position as me. "So, what did you need to talk about?"


He didn't say a word he only stayed silent.
"Umm I over heard him talking with one of his friends and well umm from what I remember, he said that he never meant anything he said to me and he never even thought of me as a friend he was only using me for some stupid college credit shit. I guess I was just some kind of piece of crap that he pretended to care about all along.. I just can't really explain how I feel right now.."
The atmosphere filled with anger but not only coming from me...

End of chapter 11

So whatever really happened with Cameron and jack?......

Sorry I haven't written for almost a week y'all. I'm really busy with so many things and I'm on spring break and spending time with da fam so I probably won't update every other day as usual but yaaa...

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