I'm Ready

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Brandons POV

"I think Im ready" Callie said.

She just finished telling me about how she loves me and that hse never got over me and i just got back togetehr with her and I forgave Jesus and everything is good and she tells me that shes ready.

"Are you sure." i say

"Yes and I know that they will be mad and ground me and kick me out but at least I went back. And of course when we tell them about us they will get mad but i know that I went back and I went there for me. I lefted for me and am with you becuase i love you. For once its not about everyone else exect me at this moment. Yes i want to go back so I can Explian m self. I Want to go back so i can tell them I did that for me and I have no regrets and you know why?

Becuase im with the love of my life right now and no one will be able to break us up nomatter what. Right now im with my best friend and we are really close and i dont regret it any of it. I dont reget leaving and letting everyrone be upset because if i stayed i would go crazy. I would not be very happy and i know nether would Brandon.

Im so happy right now and thats why I now i have to got back because if i get to happy then i wont want to leave but i know i have to go and thats why i need to go now like today. Like right now."

She finally stop. I just stop and took everything in. Everything she just said. And she is right about every thing. I looked at Jesus and he looked at me. We were thinking the same thing.

"Then lets go" Jesus said.

I ran up to her and hugged her so tightly.

"Your right about everything and i mean everything."  me and callie just standed there for at least 30 minutes because when we broke apart Jesus had evyerthign packed and at the door.

"You really want me home" she said laughing and crying.

"Come one guys lets go" Jesus said all excited.

Callies POV

I'm going back home with Jesus and Brandon.

Ill be able to see Jude again and everyone. BUt they will be so mad.  I know im going to get kicked out but thats ok because i dont regret any of it. Right now we are all walking back to the house. Its around 6pm so that means everyone should be having dinner right now.

As we come to the house i get nervous.

"Are you ok?" asks Jesus

"Um ya im fine" i say.

"Its will all be ok. If you dont want to go back then we can wait." Brandon said.

"No i have to do it."

Jesus POV

So right now we are all stadning out side of the house. Callie standing behind Brandon and I. I cant belive after all of this time shes coming home. We open the door to see everyone even Mike (Brandons Dad) at the dinner table. They all look at us. They dont see callie right now but they see us.

"Where have you guys been?" lena asks.

"We were doing something" I say.

"We hacve a suprise for you." Brandon says while grabbing Callie hand

"And what is it?" stef said.

Callie walks up front still holding Brandons hand and grabbing mine. Everyone just stops. Jude has a mixed faced. He looks so sad but so happy. 

"HI" Callie says.

evyerone still looks suprised. but no sooner Jude runs up and jumps into Callies arms.

I hear him saying, "Dont ever leave." and her saying ," I never did, I couldnt do it."

I look aorund and everyone just looks shocked. Moms have tears in their eyes while my sister just has a smilie and mike also has a tear in his eye.

Jude let goes and drags all of us to the couch. everyone joins us. Callie, Jude ,Brandon and I are sitting on the big couch while Mike and moms are on the chairs and my sister is standing beisde me.

"Callie before any thing I need you to explain." Mom(Stef) says.

"Ok Here I go"

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