Part five of the second book ans update

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Callies POV

Its been a month or so since i moved into Taylors. I have a job and have been saving my money. I decided about a week ago that i had to move to Canada with Jesus. I called him up and he was so happy. He will finally see his baby boy. Today im going to say goodbye to everyone. BUt i will not tell Mike or Brandon. I said goof bye to Taylor and left.

Once i got to there house. I heard some yelling. I ran in to hear.
"I'm moving. I dont know where but i just have to." Brandon yelled. I walked in.
"Brandon you wouldnt leave your family." He turned around.
"You did." And he walked out. I went up to Crying stef and hugged her.
"You know he wont leave. But you have to know that i am." She looked up
"Where are you going to go?" Lena asked as she came up behind me.
"Jesus. Cole and I are going to live with him and his friend. Im sorry." i said before heading to the front door.

I needed some fresh air after all the Drama. I know that everyone is pissed off even if they dont want to tell me. I walk outside and sit on the sidewalk. Thing about life in Canada. Hoping Jesus and I can just be friends,. Even though i dont mind being more. I take out my phone when someone grabbeds me. I kick him hard but he doesnt let go. He takes me inside his van. It takes me a couple of minutes to realize who it is.

Mason was Liams best friend. He would any thing for him.
"Callie dont be mad. Dont try to hurt me. I just want to talk about him." And thats when he started crying. I didnt know what to say.
"Why come to me?" I asked. He started to laugh.
"You were his world. You knew him the best. I saw that video and i came here to find you." He said. Those words."You Knew him the best" I couldnt belive it but he was right.
"I did love him. He was too younge to die. Mason I didnt see you are his funeral." I said. He laughed. "I didnt know he died until that video." I hugged him tightly. He wouldn't stop crying.
"Mason you didnt know. I wish i knew that you didnt know cause i would have helped you over here. Mason, you cant take me like that. I swear i could have killed you." I warned he laughed.
"I know. So where should i drop you off?" He asked. I laughed. I needed to get my stuff from Mikes. And haveing Mason is a bounus.
"I'm moving and i need to get my stuff from my ex boyfriends house. Come in with me." I said. He wipped away his tears and laughed.
"I will, its the least i could do for you." he said, We drove and laughed about stuff we have missed. He really wants to meet Cole. Once we get there, My hands start to shake. He grabbed them,
"I wont let anything happen to you." He said. I knew he was telling the truth because when ever i hung out with Liams friends they would hit on me and Mason would make sure they stopped. When we got to the door i heard smashing. We quickly walked in to see Mike on the floor.
"You wonder why i had to get out of here. Brandon your turning into a monster. I'm going to live with Jesus." I screamed. I walked into are room Mason not far behind. We threw all my stuff into bags.
"So your boyfriends beating up his dad?" Mason said. I just turned away. Theres a secret i havent told anyone. I guess i should tell Mason,
"Jesus and I are going to get back togther. But once we hit of age we are both moving again." I said. Its not a big secret. But its a plan.
"How?" He asked. I laughed.
"I'm going to applie to housing. When you hit 16 you can. Jesus is 15. Only a couple more months. I think we want to go far. I dont want anyone to find us." i said. Mason shook his head.
"Let me come with you. I have the money plus all three of us working we can move sooner." He said. I thought about it. Mason isn't a bad guy. Never done drugs. Never gone to jail. NEver drinks.
"Callie, your all i have left." He said. I nodded. Once everything was packed up we left. Once we got to the door, Brandon put his arms around me. I screamed and Screamed. Mason quickly threw him to the ground.
"Callie i cant lose you again." Brandon cried. I laughed.
"You never had me. I only realize that now. Brandon i thought i loved you but you just keep hurting me over and over again. Im sick of it. Im sick of feeling hurt." I cried. He got up but mason wouldnt let him come within a couple of feet.
"I love you. You know that." He laughed nervously.
"No, i dont know that anymore. Brandon. I'm calling Jesus and im leaving tonight." I siad. We walked out. I called Jesus and he said that he will be in te car but he cant show his face. I knew that already. They would be here in three hours. Mason had all of his stuff in his car already. Three hours wasnt long. Soon his friends dad showed up. I thanked Taylor and she said she knew we wouldnt be back, but if we do to say hello. Jesus knew Mason was ocming and he was happy. But Mason was going to follow us. Once I put Cole in the car i hoped in. Jesus was in the very back. I didnt want to see him until we got there.
"Hey Callie." He said i laughed.
"I'm still mad that you left. But i missed you so much." I said. He laughed too.
"I think Bob is tired of me moaping around all the time." He said. Bob was his friends dad. Bob laughed.
"Jesus has been so happy lately. After you said you were coming. So how olds your friend?" He asked.
"Mason's 20 years young." i said. Bob laughed.
"Well, i have work for him and you can work with Jesus at Tim Hortans. My girl friend can watch over Cole. She cant have kids so she loves them." He said. I smiled. Jesus held out his hand and i took it. Holding it tightly. Three hours goes a long way. I talked about everything. He was so happy to be back into my life. He old me he has watched the video of me talking to Liam every day. But then i remeber i didnt say goodbye. We were only on the road for an hour. I asked Bob if we could go back. Once Jesus told him why he turned around right away. I felt bad but he understood. His wife died and he cant go to work with out saying good morning.

Once we got there i ran out. I ran to his grave. I fell to the floor.
"I'm doing it Liam. I'm leaving. Your the one who told me to do things for me. I am. I know you like Jesus better then Brandon. I should have listened to you from the started.
You will never guess whos here with me." Mason came. He was crying.
"Hey buddy. IM sorry i didnt come to your funral. I didnt know. I should have known." He cried. Jesus came up behind us. He hugged Mason and helped him up. Mason cried into Jesus.
"I should havbe been there for you. Dammit Liam. You were my brother. But you left Callie with me. I swear to God i will protect her, the baby and Jesus with my life. Liam. I love you so much. I wish you were here so we could have a beer. Liam i cant get my word straight. We are leaving. I will make sure they are safe. For you." Mason finished. Bob helped him to his car.
"Liam, you have done really bad things but everone forgives you. Just remember. Even thou I'm not here, i m always thinking of you. I know your watching over us. I know. Liam. I love you. I had to say goodbye. But they are the hardest so im going to say, ill see you in Canada." A crow came on top of the grave. I laughed.
"Crows where your favourite bird." Tears were coming down. Jesus laughed.
"Goodbye Liam." I said. I kissed his tomb stone and walked back to the car. We were just about to leave when Lenas car came up. The ran out. Mason but Jesus in the car and locked it.
"Callie, i know Jesus is in there. He cant leave." Stef said. Mason came out and held onto me.
"I'm sorry. But i said my goodbyes. Now we have to leave." I said. Stef came up to me hand grabbed my hand.
"Your not leaving." I pulled away from her.
"Im running away like i should have from the beginging. I should have found Liam and we would be gone. But stayed. I have control of my own life and I'm doing whats best for me, for Cole, For Jesus and for Maosn." I said. Mason helped me into the car. I saw Jesus and i hugged him tightly. He started crying.
"Cole looks like me." I laughed.
"I know.. Bob we have to go." I said. He hoped into the car and we were off. I saw Lena and Steff crying. They have lost Me, Brandon and now Jesus. But its what has to be done


so guys this is part five of the second book,. I have nmore chapters coming this way. I love you guys. Im hoping to get up to 55K so i can post more chapters. and maybe a thousand votes for all the new chapters. The second book is really intense and goes by so quickly. And i know the fosters doesnt come back for awhile so dont worry i will have your fix.




Date: Monday. July 7th 2014

Hey guys its me. I'm sory about updating. HAPPY SUMMER YOU AMAZYING PEOPLE.

So I'm having a contest. I'll probaly post this on other chapters. I was thinking of a knew cover. I really would love to use one of my fans because thats just awesome. So The Cover has to say, The Fosters Hidding Out. By iluvutvd.

The contest will be open for about a week. It would mean a lot to me if you guys can send some in. Ether, on Twitter, Tweet me @tiberiniall or tag me in if you are going to post it on Instgram @tiberiniall. or Even Kik me at iluvutvd.

This contest is also opened for the second book. The foster Hiding out #2 The truth. With also my username.

So KNew chapter for all of my stories are on there way. Whille i got you. Please Check out my other stories. Also tweet me if you want or kik me if you have any questions or concers about the book.

Its almost been a year of My first story and its weird i can feel it coming up.

Anyways. I would love to hear for you guys.

Love always Taylor

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