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Callie's POV

As Wyatt was drive I told him everything. The kiss, Jude and the note. Like everything

After about. 30 minutes of driving he stopped the car and turned it around.

"Callie I can't let you do this. I can't let you leave your family."
He's right. I thought

" I know right." He said cockily.

" I said that out loud did I?" I asked.

"Yup now go home. Ill drive you. " he said.

"But I don't want to do home. Ill get In trouble." I cried

"I know a place where you can go." I nodded.

And 20 minutes later we were at this old small house. I was a corner house. I recognized it right away. When I was upset and i would take a walk, I'd walk by it.

I said a quick thank you to Wyatt and went in.

I sent a text to Brandon. He said he was on his way here. I was hungry so I asked him to bring some food.

Brandon's POV

I grabbed some stuff and put it in a bag. A pillow, blanket. A note pad and pens. Toilet paper. Just stuff that I would want if I was staying at a old house with nothing.

As I went downstairs everyone was looking at their food but not eating. I went to get some chips and stuff. With out anyone looking at me. All I heard from the kitchen was.

"Guys you need to eat. It's only being a couple of hours. She will be ok." I think that was. Jesus. I walked by and everyone was looking at me.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked me.

"For a walk I don't know I just need to clear my head. Ill be back in a couple of hours. " I said. I gave them a smile but they gave me sad eyes.

I started to walk, we'll like run. I missed her. It's been a day but I'm craving her touch. Her lips. Everything.

When I got to the house. I was nervous.

She likes me.

I like her.

She loves me.

I love her.

Seems so simple.

I walked up to the door. I put my hand on the handle. I push it. It opened. It was so quiet.

"Callie. It Brandon. " I said. Soon foot steps coming from the other room filled my ears.

There I saw Callie. In black jeans and navy blue tank top.

I froze. She gave me a weak smile.

See all of the other times. I thought I couldn't have her but now. But now there is nothing stopping me. I put the bag down and closed the door.

I slowly walked towards her as she did the same. A walk became a run and we ran to each other and hugged. I tilted her head up and smiled. We both move in. As are lips touched.

The kiss was not like the one before it was more fire. We were both craving this kiss. The kiss continued for 5 or so minutes. We broke apart.

We just looked at each other.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." I stated.

"Never" she said as we started kissing again with so much passion. After we broke the kiss again we went up stairs so a small little room.

"I'll be sleeping on the floor as you can see." She laughed.

I soon pulled out a blanket and a pillow out of my bag. She laughed.

" this is the best I could do for now. " I smiled.

"Thanks. " she said.

"We'll the blanket can keep you warm when I'm not here." I bad attempt to flirt.

"Ya. But I don't think the blanket will be enough when your gone." She joked.

"Hey do you want to help me set up?" She asked.

"I would love to."

An hour or so has gone bye and we set up a bed area that can easy be hidden. A place to keep food and a spot to hang.

Right now we are on her "bed" snuggling when my phone goes off. Callie reaches for it and hands it to me.

(B-Brandon/ S- Stef. (His mom.). )

B- hello.

S- hey Brandon where are you?

B- at the library.

S-ok I just wanted to make sure.

B- when do you want me home.

S- can you come home now. Your dads coming over to discuss what happened. To help calm the other kids down.

B-ok ill be home in 30 minutes.

S- love you

B-love you too

(Hangs up.)

"You got to go" Callie said getting up.

"Yes. But call me if you need me ok." I said kissing her four head.

"How is Jude taking this?" She asked as we head to the door.

"Not good he blames his self." I said.

"Ok. I love you" she spoke.

"I love you to. Just remember I'm a call away." I replied.

We kissed one more time. And I left.

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