Chapter One

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As I put the final piece of tape around the brown cardboard box my mother sniffled again. It was exciting for me, the concept of moving to London to study in 6th Form. If truth be told it wasn't the studying that excited me, it was London it's self and what it had to offer. This ranged of course, from it's sights to the pubs and clubs to all the luscious ladies.

"I'm going to miss you Row," Mum cried. I cringed at her use of nickname. If she only knew what I had been getting up to when other people were calling me that, I don't think she'd say it so often. That was another thing I was looking forward to in London - the freedom. Here I was just my mother and father's little innocent daughter, well that's what they thought anyway and I wasn't about to burst their bubble.

"I'll come back mum," I sighed.

"I know but you're so young, I didn't expect to lose you for another 2 years." I guess I could see her point. I was only sixteen, most parents didn't lose their children until they were off to university at eighteen. I was more mature than my age made me sound, I didn't think that I was off into a fairy tale world. I knew that this wouldn't be sugar coated and I would face huge obstacles but I was determined and knew I wanted to do it.

"We have been through this before. I can't get into dance school if I stay here." Here being my home town in Ireland.

After more tears from mum, a lecture from dad (which I chose to completely ignore because I'd completely break all his rules anyway) and hugs from my siblings I was on my way to the airport. Of course my journey was boring and completely uncomfortable, so by the time I was in a taxi, heading into the city to find a place to call home I was completely and utterly knackered.

I guess I was quite lucky really, after quickly finding an estate agent shop I was told there was an apartment close to the city center that had cheap rent and a free room. I took it, no questions asked. I got there and opened the door with my newly assigned keys. After opening the door I seen a frying pan come flying at my face, so I dropped my bag and grabbed it. Apparently Taylor wasn't expecting me.

"Who the fuck are you?" She shrieked.

"Chill dude, I'm the new lodger or room mate I guess. Oh and I was supposed to give you this," I said remembering the letter that was hanging out of my back pocket.

She sat down to read the letter I began to scan the place. After looking around and seeing the place was a mess, panic began to set in. I wasn't really OCD, I just liked everything to be tidy, clean and organized, with everything placed exactly how I liked it, for example, can labels facing forward in the cupboards and items on display evenly spaced apart. So that's what I did. Well, maybe I was a tiny bit OCD. Two hours after I had started cleaning I had finished and Taylor had conveniently finished reading the letter.

"Ah, this explains everything. In that case make yourself right at home," she smiled. It was funny how Taylor became my friend after I had completely tidied the apartment, unpacked my things, cleaned the surfaces and hoovered the floor... Twice.

We did find the perfect balance in a few months. Studying, partying and cleaning. Life wasn't so bad.

- 3 years later -

"I'll have the same again then please," I said to the bar tender.

"She's hot Rowan, go work your charm on her," Taylor told me. Taylori is my right hand woman, my side kick and my best friend. She's here to help me through whatever today's activities destined us to be. She's been my best friend since I moved here. "I mean look at her ass!" She pointed out.

"I s'pose it's alright," I sighed.

"Drowning your sorrows isn't going to help you," she informed me.

"That's all right for you to say! You got your bloody A*'s!" I protested.

Now Taylor had said it, she was right - I had been drowning my sorrows, in fact I had been doing it for nine hours, since 3 o'clock that same day. Once I opened that brown envelope that revealed my B in performing arts, B in media and C in art I knew I'd never make it to dance school, and that's all I moved over here to do.

"I got one in I.T. Rowan that's not even where I want to go in life. You will still get into your beloved dance school," she insisted.

"Whatever," I replied, grabbing my double vodka and coke and heading to the corner of the club. Any other time I'd be up dancing with Taylor and the hotties.

"Oh well, you can mope while I pull," Taylor said, wagging her eyebrows at me.

That was all I needed, her and someone else making a racket together tonight while I was alone in my pit of darkness.

A few hours passed and although I had moved on to something a little softer, that being a single vodka and chaser, I was perhaps a little intoxicated. I sat around and watched individuals, it had gotten pretty quiet these past few hours, I guess everyone was moving on to something more lively. I had lost Taylor 45 minutes ago. After scanning the room with my eyes I seen her at the bar with another guy and a girl. The guy was tall and quite muscular and I recognized him as being Jordan, he did the first half of 6th Form with us until he got a job and dropped out. The girl didn't turn around, she was facing the bar, flicking through her phone. Her hair was hanging by her face so I couldn't recognize her. I took in her appearance. A black leather jacket covered her torso while her patterned leggings showed off the length of her legs, which looked almost as long as mine. Traveling back up her legs my eyes stopped at her ass. Now that was an ass, the bartender had nothing on it.

My phone light up on the table after vibrating. It was a message from my father.

'How did the results go hun?'

"Ugh," I grunted taking a swing from my bottle.

After a few minutes I noticed Taylor pointing at me. The girl turned around. Her hair was parted on the left hand side and her subtle blusher brought out her defined cheekbones. I recognized her from somewhere. She started to walk over so I slouched over the table a little, not wanting to talk. As she grew closer I recognized her instantly - Jessie J. She looked so different without her sleek black fringe but it made my celebrity crush on her multiply about 20 times. I instantly forgot about my sulk and the confidence I normally had returned.

"Hey, your Rowan, right?" She asked.

"That's ma name, don't wear it out," I flirted cheekily.

"I'm-," she began but I cut her off.

"I know who you are Jessie," I interrupted.

"A little bit drunk are we Row?" She asked, smiling. The use of my nickname was very cute coming from her lips.

"Only cute girls get to call me Row," I told her, mirroring her smile.

"Am I cute then?" She questioned.

"Cute enough to buy me another drink," I smirked, sliding over her to get another drink, but making sure she got a close up of my ass.

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