Chapter Eleven

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"Hey you," I whispered against Jessie's neck as soon as she jumped into my arms. My hold on her waist was so tight and her grip nearly matched mine as she wasn't expecting me.

"Babe, you didn't have to come here," she replied. I didn't have to see her face to know there was a huge smile plastered across her face.

"I missed you too Jessica," I giggled, pulling away to place an enormous amount of soft loving kisses on those plump, pink lips of hers.

"I did miss you baby," Jess smiled into one of my kisses.

"I know you did gorgeous," I said, lifting one of my hands stopping it from trailing patterns on the small of her back and ran my fingers along her cheek bone. Jess had just got back from Los Angeles after having some studio time with big artists over there.

"How has dance been?" She asked.

"Good, I've just been doing a lot of theory, and I mean a lot. I'm allowed to get into the studio as soon as I'm ready which will be when this comes off on Thursday," I smiled. Thursday was when my cast would be coming off. I started dance school three weeks ago. They were quite shocked when I turned up in my wheelchair but once I explained what had happened they seemed fine with it and moved their own plans and personal time to fit around me.

"Oh yeah, what time is your appointment?" Jessie asked.

"Erm, I think it's 2."

"You think?" Jessie asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, come on. Taylor is waiting outside for us," I told her.

"Hey Jessie," Taylor greeted when she seen Jess and I.

"Hi," Jess replied with a smile before hugging her. I was happy that Taylor and Jess got on well. A grumpy room mate couldn't be good when it came to having a girlfriend. Not that Jessica and I have been particularly clingy, sexual or affectionate in the apartment but I'm there will be a time for that.

Jess and I got into the back of the car together and got into a comfortable position with as much as our bodies touching as possible, only after securing our seat belts of course. I trailed my finger tips up and down Jessie's thigh enticing the both of us. I connected our lips, sharing a passionate kiss. My tongue roamed her mouth fiercely and my teeth grazed her lip as the heated kiss grew hungry and Jessie stifled a moan. With my lips wet I trailed open mouthed kisses down her jaw and onto her neck. As I began to suck and tease her skin there she let out a louder moan.

"Guys stop trying to have sex in my car," Taylor complained playfully.

"Maybe we should just go to my house and jump into bed," Jessie whispered above my ear.

"How could I possibly have sex you with a messed up leg. Let's just wait until Thursday baby," I murmured back against her jaw.

"Row, you always do this. Get me turned on and then you stop. I want in your pants." She was trying to be seductive but I knew how turned on she was.

"Patience is a virtue woman," I chuckled, undoing both our seat belts as we hard arrived at the apartment. "Come on, I want to show you something," I smiled pushing her gently indicating her to get out of the car.

"Okay I'm going," Jessie chuckled.

We got into the elevator and I continued to stroke her leg. I loved winding her up and knowing I had the effect I did on her drove me crazy so I couldn't let her know that! I trailed my fingers to her inner thigh and she buckled her hips towards my crotch. This of course gained the attention of Taylor again.

"For heavens sake," Taylor chuckled.

"Don't pretend you don't like it," I grinned, to both Taylor and Jessie. Jess blushed and Taylor laughed.

We got into my apartment and I took Jessie's bag and put it on the sofa. She looked around seeing that the sofa bed wasn't there anymore. I swung my head in a motion for her to come with me. We got to my room and I turned on the light, revealing that I had redecorated my room. I had also added more mature touches like flowers and candles.

"Are you purposely trying to drive me insane. Your antics in the car and airport was enough and now your showing me your newly decorated room which possesses a rather romantic and sultry feel?" She asked, a smirk on her face.

"No," I chuckled, flopping onto the bed to reach into the drawer bringing out a brown envelope. "I wanted I show you this." I pulled her onto the bed and she sat between my legs. "Read it," I said giving her the envelope.

Rowan, we are so pleased that you got into dance school. Everyone is so proud of you, your dad can't stop telling everyone that his daughter is going to be a professional dancer, it's quite hilarious. We are sorry to hear about your accident. Are you okay? You should come over for Christmas and bring this very special person along with you because I want to meet your little friend. Hopefully we will see you soon. Just to show you how proud we are we've given you a little preset.

Love You Row - Mum.

"Cringe at her using my nickname," I said.

"They should be proud of you! I am," Jessie smiled before her face grew confused. "Who's your friend?"

"You are silly!" I said, poking her shoulder. Her face still portrayed the confusion, so I began to explain "I rang home the day you went. I told them about getting into dance school, mum nearly burst my ear drum, it was funny. Then I told her about the accident. She started worrying again but after she calmed down I told her that I had met someone very, very special. She jumped into questions all at once. 'What's he like? How old is he? What's his name?' I told her you were a girl and she just replaced the he with a her. And kept asking," I smiled, remembering how well they had taken it.

"You told her?" Jess asked.

"Of course. She wants to meet you and I'm going over in a few weeks for Christmas, so I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I asked.


"I mean I'd get it if you didn't want to come. It's another country and it's at  Christmas but," I trailed off.

"Of course I'll come Taylor!" Jessie smiled.

"Yay," I giggled, kissing her forehead.

"Will you meet my parents before we go though? I can cook and invite them over?"

"Of course munchkin," I said placing a kiss on her forehead, although his freaked me out a little. She trained her hand of my leg which wasn't in a cast, getting me turned on. I attacked her face with kisses. "Roll on Thursday so we can get hot and heavy," I giggled.

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