Chapter Sixteen

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"Holly, please just bring over some stuff to eat." Jessie was currently begging into the microphone of her phone to Holly.

Here was the plan. Holly is arriving at 9.30 and she is bringing Clair with her. On our way to get Taylor we are popping into McDonald's for breakfast making sure to leave ASAP to arrive at Alton Towers before 10.30.

I've probably had the best two weeks of my life since Christmas. Jessie and I did so much that I can't even remember what all of what we did. We got settled in on the 3 days after Christmas and Jessie has been a pleasure to live with for many reasons. One being she doesn't mind me screaming, if you get the message and two she is also quite OCD so we both don't have any problems with uncleanliness. We didn't go out on New Years Eve like most people did. Instead I bought a little tent and pitched it under the tree in our back garden. We lay there cuddled together under a blanket, pushing against each other, as close as possible to create enough body heat while we watched the fireworks go off over London. It was amazing. I truly enjoyed laying there with her. Then again I could be doing anything with Jess, no matter how big nor small, and I would cherish every moment.

Things at my dance school were going well. I was the furthest ahead and was progressing very well even though I had about a 5 week set back. Last week we were told we would be participating in a music video and although it was only small I knew that it would allow me to go where I wanted as I always wanted to combine my dance with the music industry.

Apparently, Holly had agreed to bring some food as Jessie had stopped pleading into the phone and began to fix my beanie.

"Thank you darling," I smiled, placing a loving kiss on her lips. Jessie smiled.

"Darling. That's a new one," she responded.

"If I call you darling you're mine forever," I replied, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. She smiled again before tilting her head up a little to meet my lips. As her tongue roamed over all my mouth and I hers our small display of affection almost turned into a huge make out session in the hall. Or it would have if Holly hadn't rang the door bell. We were both hesitant to answer as our lips stayed glued to each other's while Holly continued ringing the bell.

"Oh for heavens sake. Would you two hurry up and stop having sex in there," Holly shouted presumably through the letter box.

As she said this Jessie took my lip between her teeth and I made no efforts to hide my pleasure as I moaned loudly.

"Ew, they really are having sex aren't they?" Clair asked Holly.

We finally left the house after a little more begging from both Holly and Clair. As I rested my hand on Jessie's knee I couldn't help but feel the urge to move my hand further up her leg. The sexual desire and tension between both of us was pulsating. Just like my crotch. 

We pulled up outside Taylor's and I jumped out to go get her. She arrived at the door, pulling me into a hug and forcing a bag of more food into my hand. It seemed like the hour and a half car journey would be good with plenty of food to eat and Jessie to my right.

We arrived at the theme park a little behind scheduled time due to Clair holding the map the wrong way and Holly going mad at her -which I found it rather funny. Once we got there we were all definitely geared and ready for a a ginormous adrenaline rush. Once we had our wrist bands strapped on we headed for the biggest ride. Or one of them anyways. There was a short queue and a few people noticed Jessie.

"Jessie, everyone's looking at you," Taylor stated.

"If it was up to me, I'd say give them something to look at," Jess shrugged.

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