Chapter Twelve

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"Hey babe!" Jessie said. As I came in she jumped into my arms when I came in the door.

"Hey Jess," I grumbled tiredly.

Don't get me wrong. I loved dancing, being in the studio was one of my most favourite on the earth places but it was tiring doing practical all week, since I got my cast off almost a fortnight ago.

"Baby, I'm all sweaty," I told her, pushing her off me a little. I could smell her perfume and I only had 30 minutes to get ready so I knew she would be ready.

"Sorry, you're tired aren't you?" She asked.

"Just a little princess." I pushed a strand of her now long, curly locks behind her ear. As I set my bag down I could now take in how utterly breath taking she was. She had a long blue dress on. At the top it was stripped with one layer being see through. As you can tell I'm not good with dresses and to be perfectly honest, the dress was nice but it would look better on a pile on the floor later. She had a little pair of sandals on that cutely hugged her toes. Jessie's make up was beautiful. Her look was natural with a smokey eye effect. Her plump lips looked oh so kissable.

"You look amazing pumpkin," I smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Thanks Row," Jess blushed. "I put the water on and it should be warm by now. We have 20 minutes before we leave."

"Thanks," I smiled, before lifting my bag and trudging my way to my bedroom.

I grabbed 2 towels and made my way to the bathroom to shower. Jess was right, the water was warm and I stood under the water jets for a while, letting the water soak into my pores. I probably stood under them for too long as Jessie knocked on the door asking me if I was okay. I quickly washed my hair and body before getting out. Jessie greeted me at the bathroom door.

"I left you an outfit out, I remembered how you dont like dresses," she smiled. I forced a smile.

"You're really tired aren't you?" She asked. I didn't reply straight away. "You know we could always tell them to wait until after Christmas." Although it was her idea her little face fell at the thought.

"No!" I said, a little louder than I had anticipated. "No, I said we would do it and we will."

"Are you sure?" She asked me, looking through her eyelashes. 

I placed my hands on her face and smiled. "Of course I'm sure. Now where is this outit."

15 minutes later I was ready, with a little bit of help from Jessica of course. I wore black skinnies and a white shirt. Heels weren't really my thing as I am tall enough without them, not to mention my extreme clumsiness, so I wore a cute little pair of black pumps. I grabbed my black leather jacket and the gift bag with a bottle of wine.

"You look hot Rowan," Jessie chuckled behind me and she slapped my ass. 

"Oi, Miss Cornish, behave!" I giggled. "Have you got my car keys and my phone?" I asked. 

After Jess had to run back into the bedroom for both those items we set off. The journey to Jess' parent was peaceful, the radio was on and we made general chit chat but I couldn't hide the fact I was growing more nervous with every mile. My hands weren't trying to hide that fact either as they grew sweaty on the steering wheel no matter how many times I tried to dry them. 

"You're going to be okay," she smiled. "Anyways, around this corer and we are here now."

"H-here?" I stuttered, indicating to turn.

"Yeah," she replied. We pulled up at a homely looking house. It was cute from the outside. 

"It's now or never," I sighed getting out of the car and walking around to open Jessie's door.

"Thanks babe," she smiled, pecking my lips. "They know we are here," she whispered into my ear. 

"How?" I questioned. I was a little confused.

"I seen the blinds move and there is a small set of eyes looking out of the post box," Jessie giggled.

I locked the car door and took Jessie's hand to walk up the path. She reassured me with a smile a few times. I was so fecking scared. This is the first time I have ever met anyone's fucking parents. To be perfectly honest all this was new to me, the feelings, the insecurities, the parents and whatever else but right now wasn't the time to dwell on that as the door opened before I had lifted my hand to knock. What? Wait, when did we even get to the god damn door?!

"Rowan, it's so nice to see you again!" Rose exclaimed,pulling me into a hug.

"Nice to see you too Rose," I smiled. It genuinely was.I had forgotten how much Jessie and her mum were alike, "I brought you a little present."

"Thank you, Rowan!" Rose said, hugging me again.

"Hello to you too mum," Jessie joked.

"Hello dearest Jessica," her mum joked along. "Come on girls, lets not stand in the cold, come in."

I turned around and there was Jessie's dad, sisters and 2 little people standing there. What the hell? Where the hell did they all come from?

"Hey Jess!" One of her sisters shouted.

"Hi Rachel," Jessie smiled back. "Rachel, this is Rowan."

I shook hands with Rachel.

"Rowan, this is Hannah." I shook Hannah's hand. "And this is my dad." Oh shoot.

"Hello Mr. Cornish, it's very nice to meet you," I smiled, trying to say in control of my voice.

"Please call me Stephen, Rowan," he replied, with a smile. "I better go help Rose lay the table."

"I'm Scarlet!" The little girl shouted jumping up trying to get my attention.

"And I'm Mark," said the little boy. He stood with his arms across his chest. He looked older than Scarlet.

"Hello, I'm Rowan," I smiled. Scarlet hugged my leg and I bent down to hug her properly.

"Are you Jessie's new girlfriend?" Mark asked. 

"Yes, I am," I replied, smiling up at Jessie. While my back was turned Mark grunted.

"Mark stop that! Chelsea is lovely," Hannah scolded. 

"I liked Kira well," Mark sulked.

"Who's Kira?" I wondered.

"Jessie's ex," Rachel sighed. "I thought she was a bitch."

Everyone else returned to the dining room and I was left with Jessie. Her face was scrunched up. She clearly thought I was pissed off. I went and gave her a cuddle.

"You don't have to worry about Kira," Jessie reassured me.

"Meh, I don't give a crap about her really. You're mine now and I plan for to to be mine forever so as long as she doesn't pop up anytime soon she doesn't matter baby. Let's go in now, I like your family," I smiled. 

"Oh, do you now? Even little Mark?" She smirked.

"Yeah, he's just a kid. I cant hold a grudge on a kid," I joked.

Dinner went well. The food was amazing and there were no awkward moments much to my delight. The visit to see the Cornish's was a really good insight to see where Jessie got all of the little pieces of her personality from. Her humor was from her dad and Rachel. Her kindness from her mum and her looks were a blend of them all. She looked a lot like Hannah and if I didn't know better I would have swore they were twins. Mark and Scarlet clearly inherited Jess' dorkiness. They were extremely cute. As the night grew on I grew tired and after watching some Downton Abbey with everyone and a cuppa it was time for Jessica and I to head home. Stephen and Rose seen us to the door.

"It was nice seeing you," Rose said before hugging Jess.

"Nice to meet you Chelsea. Look after my girl. You make her happy and it would be great for it to stay that way," Stephen smiled.

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