Chapter Seventeen

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*Jessie's POV.*

I couldn't believe it when she told me. Cameron of all people. She didn't say much and I didn't want to push her. It was safe to say the fire had been distinguished for tonight. Not that I was bothered about that. We lay in the hall for a bit. Not talking. We didn't move apart from her rolling off me. We lay there. I looked at her while she looked at the ceiling. Her face moulded into an emotionless form. Sometimes I could see she was trying to concentrate from the small frown forming. She was probably trying to process everything.

I felt so helpless.

There was nothing I could do. Nothing. That hurt me. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy and now, nothing I could do or say would help. I knew that.

She lay there for a bit longer. It was 1am by the time she got up. She went to the kitchen. I wanted to follow her but I decided not to. She needed space. I respected that. I sat up and put my bra on before pulling her hoodie over my head. I needed to do something. I went upstairs and decided to change the sheets. Tidying always took my mind off shit. I heard Chelsea come up the stairs. She went to the bathroom and turned on the shower before coming back in to the room and grabbing her sweats and a new hoody. I lay on the bed wondering what to do.

An hour later she came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. Shoes on and all. She didn't speak. She didn't even look. She went down the stairs. I heard the front door open and shut. She left.

It was 2.15. I wondered if Karen would still be awake. I decided to text her.

Hi Karen, it's Jessie. Just wondering if you're awake. If you are could you give me a ring. Thanks.

- Jess.

About 5 minutes later my phone was ringing.

"Hi," I spoke into the phone.

"Hello Jessie," Karen replied.

"How are you?" I asked, trying to make general chit chat.

"I'm good, considering," Karen sighed.

"How is he?" Meaning Cameron.

"Not very well. He doesn't want to go through with the chemo and the tumour is on the wrong side of his brain so they can't operate. They've given him 2 months. But he misses her," she explained. Her voice sounding strained at the end. "I miss her."

"She's gone out," I sighed.

"Don't let her do anything stupid Jessie," Karen asked.

"I won't. I promise."

"She has the tendency to spiral out of control. Especially when it's someone she's close with. I remember one of her old friends, was being bullied when they were younger. Physically, so they were in the hospital a lot. Row was livid. Nearly landed herself in the police station." Karen chuckled a little at the end. I smiled. Everything was quiet for a while. Then something hit me.

"Karen. I have an idea. Why don't all of you come over here. We have the room. Row could see Cameron and this might persuade him to go through with the chemo and it will give her some company when I'm at work," I rambled on.

"Jessie. That's a great idea," Karen gushed. I could almost feel her smile radiating straight through the phone.

Just then I heard the door bang. Rowan was back. I told Karen I had to go and ran down the stairs. She just stood there. I was happy to see her again. I forgot all about giving her space and jumped into her arms. She didn't move at first but then I felt her bow her head and rest it in the crook of my neck. It was satisfying to have her breath tingling my neck again.

"I missed you," she told me. I knew she was genuine when she said that but there was no emotion in her voice.

"I missed you too," I replied pecking her lips. "Where did you go?"

"Just a walk," she mumbled. I could taste a little bit of alcohol on her lips but I knew she hadn't consumed enough to be intoxicated.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked looking up at her.

"I will be," she shrugged.

I pondered over whether I should tell her now that I was talking to her mum earlier and that her family are coming over or wait until tomorrow. They'd be here tomorrow. I felt her lips at my neck. I better had tell her now.

"Baby," I breathed out.

"Yeah?" She mumbled against my skin.

"I was talking to your mum. I told them to come over. They will be here tomorrow." I pulled away to watch her face. It hardened. Why  did I have to tell her? Jess, you're such a dumb ass. Thankfully it softened out again.

"I love you." Her words were firm.

"I love you. More than anything," I replied.

Her expression changed as she played with my hair. Her eyes grew tight as her mouth formed a cheeky smirk. Her fingers grazed my skin a few times before they fell to my shoulders where she grazed my collar bones. It was amazingly soothing.

"Darling?" Row asked, using her nickname from earlier. I liked it every much.


"Can I take you to the bedroom?" I opened my eyes which had fell shut to see her waiting patiently for her answer.


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