Chapter Nineteen

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"Please don't go?" I pleaded with Jess as we lay in bed that night. It looked like she was thinking about something. "I don't think I'll be able to cope without you here, I mean I'm barely holding it together as it is and-"

Jessie's lips interrupted me, her soft skin pressing against mine. It was heaven - until she pulled away.

"I have to go, but you're coming with me," she smiled, resting her forehead against mine.

"Jessica! Are you crazy?" I shouted. "I need to stay here!"

"Shh..." Jess chuckled.

"No, it's not fucking funny," I huffed, turning away and throwing my legs out of the bed.

"Rowan, listen. I'm taking you, your family and mine with me," she said. I could almost hear her smiled as her grip loosened on my hand which she grabbed to keep me here.

I thought it over. It would be a good idea. I could have everyone there. Jessie, my family, Cam would be safe. I always enjoyed Rose and Stephen's company too. It would also be nice to see some more of the UK. It's as if she could see it working over in my head. All of the boxes being ticked. It was a good idea. I'd agree. Wait! Hold on. Where the fuck would we sleep?

"What do you say then baby?" Jessie asked me.

"Jess, it's a great idea but where would we all sleep?" I questioned.

"Okay, there are 12 bunks on the tour bus plus a sofa bed in he back lounge. Lewie, Smooth, Ginger, Phoebe and Louise can all have a bunk as well as your mum, dad, Cameron and Lacey. We can get Lexi a travel cot, leaving 3 bunks for my mum, dad and Holly. We would sleep in the sofa bed. It's going to be cramped and annoying for those 15 days that we are on the road but we will all be together. You guys are coming with me and I don't care what anyone says," she explained, freaking out a little at the end.

"Baby. Don't fret. Everything will be fine. And you're right, we will all be together and that's all I can ask for really. When do we leave?" I wondered.

"I have my first tour date in Belfast in a week," Jessie told me.

"Belfast?" I asked. She nodded in reply.

"Yeah. I'm gonna get a private jet for us to all go over there. It's Belfast then Dublin, then back over here."

"We could just say here. You don't need to do that," I shrugged.

"I know but I want you guys to come. I can spend time with all the important people in my life," Jessie smiled.

"It's good I know you wanna spend time because I need you a lot right now. More than I've ever needed anyone." I looked at my hands.

"Babe, you don't need to explain to me. I don't know how you feel, I can't even comprehend the emotions you're having to deal with but you're being strong. I'm super proud of you but don't think you have to pretend that everything is normal to me or anyone else. We are all here for you and I love you," she reassured me.

"I love you too darling," I smiled.

"I love when you call me that. Your accent comes out a lot." I chuckled.

"So, what's the best part about tour?" I asked, turning into her.

"Tour is fabulous. The cities offer so much, a complete canvas to explore when you get there as we get there during the day and after the sound check we have about 6 hours before hair and make up. When it suddenly turns into a thriving mass of people there to see you, screaming your name. The only bad thing is not being there long enough. Sometimes we get bored and play stupid little games. The bus isn't bad either. Jamming, messing about. Some of the best laughs come from the bus. Oh, some of the concoctions we come up with to eat is either absolutely repulsive or pretty amazing. You think you'd be sick of the bus and you would dread getting back on but that's not really the case. Sometimes we get so hyper we can't actually control ourselves. I love going on tour. Every tour is so different, offering new concept or new things. I always learn so much from each one. God, I love them," Jessie said, almost all in one breath.

I just smiled at her. She's so inspirational, so amazing, so beautiful, so humble, so full of life, so positive and all mine. She pecked my lips and curled into my side. Her excitement of this tour was clear to see and pretty contagious as I felt myself growing eager to see what it would bring as my eyes shut for tonight.

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