Chapter Eight

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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. What the hell is that stupid noise! The drone in my ears was annoying and as it was growing louder it because a high pitched beep and was annoying as hell. Can someone please get that noise out of I my ears please?! I tried opening my eyes to see what was making the annoying racket but they wouldn't open. That was weird. I heard a shuffling next to me. It was someone's feet. Someone was here. Just then what sounded like a door opened and shut. I was right as I heard more feet shuffle.

"Ah, Mrs Cornish," a low mans voice spoke.

"Jessica. Call me Jessica," I beautiful voice replied, thick with an Essex accent. Jessica, Jessica Cornish. I knew her.

"Jessica, as you're aware Rowan here had quite a few injuries when she came in. Her knee cap was shattered and femur broken along with a cracked rib and a head laceration. We took her into surgery, stitching her head before beginning to repair her knee. Her knee has been reconstructed with plates and pins but we had a complication half way through the procedure. Her heart stopped again. Thankfully, she is stable again," stated the anonymous man.

What the hell happened to me?! My knee was shattered, how did that happen? My leg did feel heavy and there was a dull pain radiating from it. Hold on, he said that my heart stopped - again. I died. More than once!

"Is she going to be okay? Please tell me she's going to be okay?" Jessica asked.

"She should be fine. In fact she should be waking up anytime as the anesthetic should be wearing off," the manly voice replied. He was probably a doctor. "I'll leave you to it."

I heard the door open and close again and heard Jessie's feet walk over. I felt her presence beside me. She lifted my hand to her mouth and kissed it. This made me feel less uneasy. Then she began mumbling into my hand.

"Rowan, please wake up. I need to talk to you. I miss you," Jess sounded torn. I didn't like it so I decided to make my eyes open on way or another. After trying to prise my eyes open three times they still hadn't budged. I was getting rather annoyed. Oh for flip sake Rowan, just open your god damn eyes! I balled my fingers into clenched fists but it didn't have the desired effect and my fingers only twitched. "Row, did you move just then?" Jessie mumbled. I hated hearing her like this. I was scared of how she would look when I finally did open my eyes. Of course she would still possess the beauty of a God.

I decided to talking another approach to opening my eyes. Slow and steady, yes that was doing it - I felt the weight on my eyes lighten. I got them opened a little bit but I had to close them again with a groan as the light was too much.

"Rowan?" Jessie questioned.

"Yes?" I croaked, my voice hoarse and my throat dry. I opened my eyes fully.

"Oh my gosh, you're awake. Thank God," she sighed, clearly relieved.

I took in what was before me. An oxygen mask sat on my face, there were wires attached to my body reading many different things I'm sure, and my leg weighed a complete tonne with the white cast that held the bones in place. I hated this. I needed out. I sat up wincing at the pain on my left side but ignoring it and pulled a few wires off.

"Rowan, no!" Jess shouted and grabbed my hand just as I was about to tug the IV. "You need that Row. You need to stay calm."

"Jess, I need out of here," I replied. I couldn't stay here. It made me panicky. Even the thought made me breathe faster.

"Babe, calm down. Please. Here," she said, pulling the mask over my face and laying me back against the bed again. "Are you in pain?" She asked as I winced a little.

"Yeah, you're a pain in the ass," I smiled jokingly, still anxious about staying here.

"I'll slap yours if you don't watch your mouth," Jessie joked back, noticing my discomfort and trying to lighten my mood. "Are you physically hurting? And don't down play it," she said turning serious again.

"A little, my side and chest hurts," I confessed.

"Do you want me to get the doctor?"

"No, no doctors Jessie, please."

"If you're sure," she replied.

"I'm sure. Jess? Have you been home yet?" I asked, eyeing the fact she was still in the same clothes.

"Um, er, no," she blushed. "I wanted to stay and make sure you were okay."

"You should go home to eat and get some sleep," I instructed her.

"You wanted me to stay and I don't want to go." The fact she didn't leave me or want to leave made me smile a little.

"If you're sure," I smiled. She nodded quickly. "Jess? What happened to me?" I questioned. "What happened, why am I here?"

"You don't remember?" She wondered.

"I only remember walking home," I answered.

"Yes, well it was raining before and it got really cold all of a sudden. There was a car, it crashed into the river and you jumped in! I was so worried, but you got all of them out but then you were gone. You shattered your knee, broke your leg, split your head and cracked a rib all before your heart stopped right in front of my eyes! Rowan I thought you were dead! Then when they were operating on you and it stopped again. I was so worried. I was worried sick. Don't ever do that to me again!" Jessie explained before a tear ran down her face.

"Don't cry babe. Are they okay?" I asked.

"It was a family. The mum, the sister and the middle brother are okay," she said slowly.

"What about the rest?"

"The father is in intensive care. He has brain damage and the baby, Max, he's..." Jessica trailed off.

"He's what Jessie?" I asked.

"He, he didn't make it Row, I'm sorry," Jess breathed.

"What? Why? He can't be. He's just a baby! What? How?" I didn't understand. He was just a baby! A little baby. How can his life be taken from him. Especially when he had so much to look forward to.

"Babe it wasn't your fault. He died of hypothermia at the scene. His body couldn't deal with the coldness. You gave him the best way to go, in his mothers arms. You should be proud of yourself. You saved 4 lives," Jess soothed.

"He was just a baby," I said sadly. This just wasn't fair.

"Can you come lie beside me?" I asked her as she was looking into my eyes. Her face portrayed her torn decision probably because she didn't want to hurt me. "Please," I said. She nodded and I moved over slowly ignoring the constant stabbing pain in my side and chest to making room for her. Once she was beside me I felt secure and safe again. Not happy but happier.

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