Chapter Nine

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"Is that everything?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, I think so," I sighed gratefully.

Today was the day I was being discharged. The hospital had become my home for the last 12 days as my stay here ah prolonged due to an infection in my knee. It was quite horrible and extremely painful. Air and bacteria had become trapped between my bone and a pin creating an infection.

"Oh, can you chuck my cards in my bag please?" I asked Jess.

"Sure thing," she replied placing the hand made cards from Laura and Dylan in my bag before lifting the Thank You card that Deborah had sent too. After the accident Deborah had come to see me. She thanked me for saving her and the two children. She was a very nice woman and cared for her children very much. Unfortunately I never got to meet Geoffrey, their father. He still was still in the ICU and I wasn't well enough to go up there in case I caused anyinfection. Deborah was strong for the children and brought them to meet me too but she's was deeply hurt and needed to grieve. Max's had funeral was a week ago but I wasn't allowed to attend as my infection had been contracted two days prior. I didn't let them get their way quietly you can be assured. I kicked up a hell of a lot of fuss believe you me. Of course Jess was there to calm me down and have a giggle about how I was so me after it. She had stayed with me the whole time. Only going home to wash and bring more clothes or anything that I needed. Taylor had popped by a few times too.

"There we go," Jess said placing the bag on my lap. "Ready to go?"

"Hell yes!" I smiled. I had a few papers to fill out as Jess wheeled me through to reception but before we could get on our way there was the difficulty of getting into the car.

"Can't you lift yourself up a bit more?" Jess asked.

"I've tried," I grunted. "It's my god damn leg!"

"Okay wait," Jess said, pushing me back into my wheelchair gently. "Right put your leg in first. Okay, now lift yourself up and I'll help you over, there!" It was quite the operation but with much determination and preservation I was finally I was in the car.

"Jessie, I am perfectly capable of putting my seat belt on myself," I moaned. I hated the thought of having to be looked after for any short amount of time let alone 5 weeks. "You can put that stuff in the boot."

"It's a good job there's a lift," Jessie sighed, breathlessly when as we got in the elevator after doing two runs back to the car with all our things.

"Let's just hope the stupid thing doesn't break down now," I smiled.

"Row, don't say that, you know I'm claustrophobic," Jessie breathed, fearful. This caused me to laugh. The lift pinged letting us know that we had reached the top floor. The doors opened and revealed Taylor standing at the top with chocolates and a bunch of DVD's.

"Hey cripple," Taylor greeted, taking my crutches off Jessie.

"Hey," I replied.

"There's post for you," Taylor smiled as Jess pushed me into the apartment.

"What post?" I asked confused. I never got post.

"You'll see. Are you ready to sit around the house for 4 weeks?" She giggled. Knowing full well that I hate not being able to do anything.

"Oh for heavens sake," I breathed. 

 "It's actually 5 weeks," Jessie chuckled. "It's okay babe, I'll keep you company!" Jess smiled. The thought of spending more time with Jessica was highly appealing.

"Okay," I beamed.

Once we got in Taylor made the suggestion of bringing in the sofa bed making things a little more accessible. Of course I couldn't help so Jess was roped into helping Taylor. Finally, my makeshift bed was set up with pillow and duvets. The coffee table was moved closer and my mini fridge was brought in.

"Hm, I can have these now," Taylor smiled grabbing the bottles of beer I had in the fridge. "You're not allowed to drink while you're on medication," she laughed popping open the bottle.

"Screw this well," I mumbled and they both laughed.

"So, the cripple station is now set up," Taylor chuckled.

"Will you two be okay for a few hours?" Jess asked checking her watch.

"Yeah," I sighed, shuffling onto the bed.

"I have a few interviews and a promo meeting to do," she explained.

"Go on a head Jess, I'll look after her," Taylor said nudging my shoulder.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, pretending it hurt more than it did.

"Don't kill her in the process," Jess joked but her warning had a slight seriousness about it. It made a huge smile creep onto my face.

"Will I see you later then Jessica?"

"Yeah, I'll come around as soon as I finish," she told me.

After Jess left Taylor and I decided to watch a film as it was only 1 o'clock. Half way thought the movie my stomach began to feel empty.

"I'm starving," I stated.

"There's Doritos in the cupboard cause I bought groceries yesterday," Taylor replied.

"Go get me the bread and the Doritos please?" I asked. Her eyes widened.

"Yes! Dorito sandwiches! Good thinking bat woman," she smiled enthusiastically.

After returning with the jumbo share packet and the while loaf of bread we halved the food. I began to eat mine slowly making sure I could eat it all but Taylor had two sandwiches and was finishing her last bite.

"Your leg may be broken but your brain ain't. Oh that reminds me!" She shrieked getting up. "Here's that post."

I took the brown envelope from her looking for any clues what it was about but there were none. The letter looked rather formal. I opened it carefully, making sure not to paper cut myself. I pulled the letter out and read it. The only words I actually took in were 'you have been accepted into'.

"I got into dance school!" I screamed. Sitting up and my eyes big.

Congratulations!" Taylor smiled. "You should tell your mum. Have you told her about the accident and Jessie yet?" She smirked.

"No she fusses over me too much. And why would I tell her about Jess?" I asked confused, even though I said her name with a smile.

"Cause you two are whipped!" Sam smiled.

"No we aren't. We are just friends," I denied.

"No you're not. Look at you. You can't even say her name without smiling. You're whipped," Taylor said.

She was right about me not being able to say her name without smiling. Jess was great though. She made me feel safe and I loved the electricity between us when we touched.

"She's whipped too. She wouldn't leave your side in the hospital until you woke up 2 days later. You two are in love," she continued.

"Really?" I asked. I knew she didn't leave because she told me herself but she didn't tell me it was two whole days.

"Yeah. Rowan, I can see how she makes you feel. And I know you're under pressure because of what you mind is telling you to do but I can see that she takes some of that pressure away for a little bit," Taylor told me.

"She does make me feel good again. She doesn't know about it, and what if I tell her and she thinks it's her when it's really not. She makes me feel safe and confident and all those other things. And she does make me more relaxed...I'm rambling ain't I?" I confessed.

"Yes which completely proves my point. I'd suggest taking her on a picnic but your leg rules that out. So why don't you make in here look nice and romantic with candles and all that stuff while I disappear for a while and tell her about yourself properly. Like how you think about things, before you get on with asking her out," suggested Taylor.

"Well you'll need to help me," I smiled.

I was nervous. But I'd have to do it in the right way because Taylor was right - I was in love with her and I couldn't afford to lose her.

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