Cedric Diggory [E]

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The war was finally over. No one could believe it, but it was over.
People were now searching for their own family around and in the castle. You scrambled to your feet slowly, only to fall down again, pain spreading from your almost limp knees to the rest of your body. A ringing noise was the only thing you heard as you tried covering your ears to make the powerful ringing go away, its volume being too much for your ears.

"Ouch," you silently muttered and rubbed your back, as it hurt from a fall you had done earlier, so a death eater wouldn't hit you with one of the unforgivable curses.

A wet substance was running down the side of your face and as you moved your arm to touch your face, you saw the thick red substance smear onto your fingers. Glancing at yourself in one of the now broken windows of Hogwarts, you saw how the blood from a cut on your forehead trickled down your face in a leisurely manner. Turning away from the broken window, you knew, you just had to make sure that everyone, you knew, was okay.

Cedric was out there somewhere, probably injured from the violent battle and your mind couldn't relax until you had found him.

You tried standing up again and slowly and painfully made your way over to the castle, where you saw him last. Looking around you, you saw how people mourned over the dead bodies of their loved ones. Everything around you was overwhelming. Seeing the results of the battle was only helping your mind imagine the worst things that could happen.

Shaking the negative thoughts away, you nervously scanned the never-ending crowd of people, but found nothing resembling the perfect brown luxurious hair, you had grown to love over the years.

Fear tried to take over, making you beg silently, while you walked down the ever so common paths of Hogwarts, the number of death increasing, as you neared the big castle.

You soon found Hermione in a corner trying to cheer Ron up and looked to your left, to see Fred on the ground lifeless, with George hovering over him. Your hand moved up to your mouth as you silently gasped at the sight before you, a tear from your left eye deciding to run down your cheek.

You sympathetically stared at them, feeling more tears begin to roll down your cheeks.

Harry saw you staring at the Weasley family all huddled over each other, while they mourned over Fred and quickly walked over to you. His arms engulfed you tightly in his embrace, his hand went to the back of your head as he pressed your face into the crook of his neck. You swung your arms around his neck, your tears landing on his shoulder. Fred had been a great friend to you and the thought of him dead, awakened a lot of feelings inside of you. You retreated from the hug and hurriedly asked Harry if he knew, where Cedric was.

He nodded but didn't look you in the eyes while doing so. He glanced away from you for a moment before he gently took your hand and lead you to a classroom, where several people stood around a table.

You hurriedly pushed them out of the way to see Cedric laying down, hardly breathing. He stared at your face and instantly tried to put a smile on, making you break down with tears, and look at the terrible state, he was in. Your hands quickly flew to your mouth once again as you mumbled 'no' to yourself, while you baffled your eyes out, not wanting to realise, he was soon to be gone.

"Hi," Cedric smiled weakly, his warm smile tearing you apart.

Cedric caressed your right cheek softly with his right hand as he knew himself that he didn't have a long time back. You knew that, too.

"Y/n, I know that I promised to you that after this war, we would be able to live happily ever after, but it seems that you'll have to do that alone," Cedric laughed before coughing up some blood. You nodded, a weak smile on your lips as you remembered his promise to love you until the end.

A woman cleaned Cedric's face, wiping away the red substance on his chin, ushering him to lay down. You glanced away at the sight, not being able to bear looking at him, it being too painful.

"Y/n, please look at me," he begged, making you stare at him. You took his hand and gave it a light squeeze before kissing the top of it. "I love you so so much," he stated, emphasising the 'much'.

"Cedric, I'm pregnant," you broke down crying, not being able to hold back your sobs anymore.

"I know," he sadly smiled, surprising you. "I found the pregnancy test in the bin a week ago," he stated laughing it off as if he weren't in the middle of dying.

"I can't raise him or her alone."

"You won't be alone," Cedric told you. "I'll always be there, watching over you. And every time you miss me, just look for me there," he pointed to your head before placing his hand over your heart. "And here."

You placed your hand over his, it still being placed upon your heart. You giggled at his cheesiness, making him grin at your reaction.

"You're so cheesy."

"Admit it, you absolutely love it."

You nodded, smiling sadly to yourself. He quickly squeezed your hand and gave you his famous smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too," you confirmed, watching his breath become slower before it fully stopped and his hand dropped down from yours as you released it, it now dangling beside the table before it stopped moving.

The truth hit you like a train as you looked at his face for a few seconds before you finally broke down beside him, falling down on your knees.

The woman, who had tended to him came and sat beside you, inviting you into her embrace while you silently sobbed into her shoulder.

"It'll be alright, Y/n. You're gonna be alright," the woman comforted you.

You peeked over her shoulder, seeing Cedric's dead body lay completely still on the table, a smile on his lips that you knew was going to haunt you forever.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned," the woman spoke, helping you to your feet, walking you over to the hospital wing.


Okay, so I changed the plot, trying to make this scenario better and longer, which it became. Freaking over a thousand words! I hope you like the change!

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