Oliver Wood [E]

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"Quidditch practice at 5 o' clock in the morning! Are you out of your mind, Wood?" you spit angrily, eyes threatening to close themselves as exhaustion was literally painted on to your face.

It was a new quidditch season and Wood, your captain, wanted to get a head start on practising. Therefore you and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team had been awoken merely just an hour ago due to your captain reserving the early training periods on the quidditch pitch.

"I am helping our team by doing this" was his answer.

To say the least, you were ready to roundhouse kick him to the moon.

Finally having gathered on the quidditch pitch, Oliver began to explain his plans for the upcoming game against Hufflepuff.
All the while he was explaining, you noticed how the twins were almost clinging to each other as to not pass out from tiredness, Harry holding his broom tightly in his hands as he himself did the same and Angelina, Katie and yourself were glaring holes into Wood's neck when he had turned to point at the little blackboard he had set up to show his strategies.

"Should we begin?" Finishing his long speech, Oliver clapped his hands together and grabbed his broom. As an answer the members and yourself chorused your opinion by groaning before quickly mounting your brooms, deciding to just get this over with.

With everyone having mounted their brooms, Wood's strategy was proven to be more difficult and painful than it had looked on the blackboard. It consisted of a lot of flying into the opponents to momentarily knock them off their game, and given this, you already felt the next 20 bruises being formed.

The Weasley twins had been ordered to be extra harsh on the three chasers aka you, Katie and Angelina, who each had to make it through 'the death round.'
The death round was actually just a test to see how well you were at dodging both bludgers and attacks from the other team's players. It required a lot of concentration and surplus to implement the death round not to mention coordination of flying all the while you were dodging. Furthermore, you also needed to throw the quaffle through one of the three hoops being guarded by a keeper.

It had become your turn to do the round, and even though you were used to being hit a few times throughout a game of quidditch, it was never a pleasant feeling.

Wood blew a whistle, signalling for you to begin, which you immediately did. You swiftly manoeuvred past the obstacles that were your teammates, though you could not help but be frightened of something or someone to hit you.

You were right. You were absolutely right. You had merely managed to dodge Katie as she had planned to attack you from your side when a bludger came out of nowhere and hit you right in the stomach.
The air in your lungs disappeared and you were pushed off of your broom.

Angelina and Katie's desperate yells echoed loudly in your ears as you now began falling towards the ground.

You did not reach the ground though. In just a few seconds, your captain had dived in and swooped you up in the middle of the air. His muscular arms encircled your body in a tight grip, holding you close to him. Oliver quickly adjusted his grip on his broom and you, leaving one hand to hold each one. Finally reaching the ground, you were released from his firm grip but not for long. Before any of the others could ask you anything, Wood hoisted you up on to his broom once again, his right arm going around your body to keep you from falling.

"I'm gonna take her to the hospital. Practice is over," he hurriedly stated setting off to Hogwarts.

It was first now that you had opened your eyes, tilting your head to meet Wood's worried gaze. Staring at him for a few seconds longer, your mouth got the best of you.

"Is this a good enough reason to not have quidditch practice in the early mornings?" You asked smiling like a goof at his face. The pain you felt was of course painful, but seeing Wood up close had your thoughts a completely different place.

"We will see whether or not you will fall off of your broom again while practising tomorrow morning before sunrise,"

Hitting his shoulder with your fist, Oliver let out an 'aw', having you grin to yourself.
If he did not feel the pain of having to wake up way too early for anyone to do so as you did, he would surely feel the pain of your anger. But for now, you concentrated on being in his strong embrace.


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