》Fred weasley x Abi《

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"Are you at least gonna ask me up for one dance?" Abi asked, as she looked at her date, who hadn't even been looking her way once, only staring at one of the Gryffindor chasers.

"No." Fred simply answered her question, looking at his brother and former crush dancing together, looking so happy waltzing around the improved great hall, as it now was turned into a dance floor, seats and tables filled with delicious foods and drinks, that had taken the house-elfs hours to do.

She stared shocked at her crush, who she thought had liked her too, when he had asked her to the ball.

She couldn't stop smiling the rest of the week, people asking her if she was okay, which she totally was, but you know, more like in heaven feeling.

"And here I thought you asked me, because you liked me." Abi mumbled mostly to herself, not meant for Fred to hear, as she quickly trotted out of the ballroom, so she wouldn't cry in front of everyone.

She lifted her hand up to below her eye, wiping tears away as she strolled through the doors, thinking over how she had planned the night to be perfect.

She half ran over to the nearest staircase out of the many that were in the big and mighty castle and as she sat down, she harshly gripped on to her legs, pulling them closer to her, sitting in a some kind of foster position.

Tears fell rapidly down her cheeks as she cursed his name over and over again.

She actually couldn't believe how much she was overreacting. Yeah she could have asked one of her friends to dance with her, but she only wanted to dance with Fred, as she had dreamt about this, since the first time she saw him.

She had loved his cocky, yet daring and welcoming smile since forever. She had chuckled at the pranks he and his twin had done the years she had been here.

She had been praying every night before she went to sleep, that he one day would notice her as more than a friend.

But no.

Her fellow chaser and friend, Angelina Johnson, who she loved to spend time chatting about Qudditch while making homework together had been the one on his mind, not her.

"Damn you Weasley, May you rot in hell!" She dramatically yelled as she threw one of her heals away in pure frustration.

"Not the best time, eh?" The familiar voice called near her.

She looked up to see Fred only dodging the shoe, with a look of horror, as he stared at the heel, that now layed still on the ground, since it only went by millimetres from his head.

Abi quickly and angrily arose from the staircase, attempting to walk up the common stairs, the only thing she wanted to do was sleep and eat icecream and cookies.

"Wait Abi." He erupted and grabbed her arm, making Abi turn around, ready to punch him if necessary.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to ruin your night! I only was like this, because I was jealous of my brother. I can't believe I was so harsh to you. Please forgive me." Fred apologised, staring into her eyes, not breaking eye contact.

"I-I-I." Abi stammered out, feeling her feelings get all smashed together at once, as she wasn't able to decide if she should punch him in the face or kiss him.

"Will you accept this dance my lady?" He placed himself down on one knee, as he held his hand out, holding on to the strawberry blonde's small hand, kissing it while at it.

Abi blushed, when Fred kissed her hand, not being able to contain all that bubbling of joy inside her, smiling widely in the process, as she shook her head yes.

Fred grinned sweetly, standing up and holding his arm out, making Abi grab on to it as she giggled silently.


Fred lead her around the dance floor gracefully, as they danced a slow dance, not many people back in the hall, since the time neared twelf.

"Abi?" Fred suddenly asked, making her come out of her a bit tired state and look up at her crush, who seemed to be smiling very cheekily.

"Mhm?" She moaned and stared into Fred's chocolate brown eyes, as they glistened in the uplighted ballroom.

Fred leaned into her ear, letting her feel his warm breath collide with her already hot and flushed ear.

"You know I'm going to go down on one knee before you again right?" He grinned teasingly, making Abi blush, completely flustered from his remark.

And he did.


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